urethro-, urethr-
(Greek: urethra, a slitlike tube conveying urine from the internal urethral orifice of the bladder)
The medical examination of the urethra by means of the urethroscope.
A reference to or communicating with the urethra and the scrotum.
1. Spasm of the urethra.
2. Irritability or spasmodic stricture of the urethra (tube that conveys urine from the bladder to the outside).
2. Irritability or spasmodic stricture of the urethra (tube that conveys urine from the bladder to the outside).
1. Bleeding of the urethra.
2. The oozing of blood from the mucous membrane of the urethra.
2. The oozing of blood from the mucous membrane of the urethra.
1. A narrowing of the urethral meatus.
2. The stricture of the urethra (slitlike tube conveying urine from the internal urethral orifice).
2. The stricture of the urethra (slitlike tube conveying urine from the internal urethral orifice).
A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; concho-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; sphinctero-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; vagino-; ventricul-.