(Greek > Latin: a suffix that forms singular nouns)
Here are just a few of the hundreds of words that end with -um.
2. Occurring or existing before childbirth; such as, the prenatal or antepartum period.
2. A normal dilatation within certain hollow organs; such as, the pyloric end of the stomach.
3. A general term for cavity or chamber which may have specific meaning in reference to certain organs or sites in the body.
The antrum of the stomach (gastric antrum) is a portion before the outlet which is lined by mucosa which does not produce acid. The paranasal sinuses can be referred to as the frontal antrum, ethmoid antrum, and maxillary antrum.
"As a child, Adam was given an aquarium which contained several fish to keep as a hobby."
2. A building in which fish and other water animals are kept and shown to the public: "There were several aquaria in the natural history museum for both fresh and salt water fish.""During the summer, many tourists visit the outdoor aquaria near the seashore."
An aquarium is also known as a vivarium, and is usually contained in a clear-sided container (typically constructed of glass or high-strength plastic) in which water-dwelling plants and animals (usually fish, and sometimes invertebrates, as well as amphibians, marine mammals, and reptiles) are kept in captivity, often for public display; or it is an establishment featuring such displays.

A wide variety of aquaria are now kept by hobbyists, ranging from a simple bowl housing a single fish to complex ecosystems with carefully engineered support systems. Aquaria are usually classified as containing fresh or salt water, at tropical or cold water temperatures.
2. A laboratory for developing new varieties of trees and shrubs of special beauty, or faster growth, or resistance to pests and diseases; and to experiment with trees from foreign lands to discover their uses and adaptability to local climates.
3. A living museum where people can see and learn about trees and a place of beauty during every season.
4. A botanical garden exhibiting trees for their scientific interest and educational value, and in association with appropriate wildlife features.
An arboretum is a place for the cultivation, study, and enjoyment of trees; while a nursery is a place for raising trees to use elsewhere in landscaping and forestry.
argentosus (masculine), argentosa (feminine), argentosum (neuter): "full of silver, rich in silver".
2. A shelter and protection from danger, or imminent harm, provided by a sheltered place.
3. Currently an offensive term for an institution for people with psychiatric disorders or for mentally incompetent or unbalanced people.
4. A place that once offered shelter to criminals and debtors; especially, a church1.
5. A shelter from danger or hardship.
2. A covered court or portico in front of the principal doors of churches, etc.
3. In a modern house, a central hall or glassed-in court that may be used as a sitting-room, having rooms opening off it, sometimes at more than one level.
4. In a public building, usually a skylit central court rising through several stories and surrounded by galleries at each level with rooms (shops, offices, etc.) opening off them.
5. In physiology, either of the two upper cavities (left and right atrium) of the heart into which the veins pour the blood.
6. In zoology, a large cavity into which the intestine opens.
7. In medicine, a chamber or cavity to which are connected several chambers or passageways: "On both sides of the heart, the atrium is the chamber that leads to the ventricle which is one of the two lower parts of the heart that moves blood to the rest of the body."
2. A large room to accommodate an audience in a building: The public school had a large auditorium for the parents to sit and watch the play put on by the students.
3. A large building for public meetings or performances: The city had a large public auditorium for authors to present and read passages from their books, for artists to present their paintings, or for concerts to take place.
4. Etymology: from Latin auditorium, "lecture room"; literally, "a place where something is heard"; neuter of auditorius, "of" or "for hearing"; from auditor, "a listener"; from audire, "to hear".
An auditorium can also describe an entire theater, and has been in use as a word since the 18th century, although there were other words with the same meaning before that.
2. A sculptured ornament, representing an ox skull adorned with wreaths, etc.