
(Greek > Latin: a suffix that forms singular nouns)

Here are just a few of the hundreds of words that end with -um.

Anything forfeited or confiscated.
abortorium (s) (noun), abortoria (pl)
A clinic or a hospital where premature stoppages of natural or pathological processes are performed: The veterinarian college established an abortorium for the students to use for their studies.

There were several abortoria in the rural area of the province.

absorption spectrum
Spectrum of absorption lines produced when light passes through and is partially absorbed by a substance.
The entire upper surface of the foot.
actinium (s) (noun) (no pl)
A radioactive metallic chemical element found in uranium ores: Actinium is in equilibrium with its decay products as a source of alpha rays, such as pitchblende, a mineral consisting of uranium oxide and trace amounts of radium, thorium, polonium, lead, and helium. Uraninite in a massive form is called pitchblende which is the chief uranium ore.

Actinium possesses no stable isotopes and exists in nature only as a disintegration product of uranium and thorium.

The longest lived isotope of actinium is Ac 227 with a half-life of 21.6 years. Its atomic number is 89, the melting point is 1,050°C, the estimated boiling point is 3,200°C, and its specific calculated gravity is 10.07, and a valence of 3.

acute delirium
1. Delirium of recent, rapid onset.
2. A suddenly appearing and severe delirium lasting for only a short time.
ad absurdum (adverb), more ad absurdum, most ad absurdum
A reference to how an argument demonstrates the ridiculousness of an opponent's proposition: Timothy tried to explain his line of reasoning to the others in the meeting, but it led to ad absurdum, because, as much as he tried to demonstrate his intention, they were all of a different opinion and didn't understand the obvious truth and sound judgment of the issue.
ad annum (Latin phrase)
Up to the year.

Used to indicate a specific year date.

addendum (uh DEN dum) (singular)
Something that has been added in a written document; added section, supplement, attachment: "The report has an addendum clarifying certain points."
album (s) (noun), albums; alba (pl)
1. In Roman Antiquity, a tablet on which the praetor's edicts and other public notices were recorded: An album provided information for the public and was afterwards extended to other lists.
2. A blank book in which to insert autographs, memorial verses, original drawings, or other souvenirs: Lynn's Mom bought an album before going on a summer trip to Alaska in order to save all the little interesting keepsakes and small relics.
3. A book at public places in which visitors enter their names: In the museum, there was an album in which those visiting could write in their names.

According to Samuel Johnson in his A Dictionary of the English Language, an album is a book in which foreigners have long been accustomed to inserting the autographs of celebrated people.

Freehold estate; land which is the absolute property of the owner; real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior.
This spelling is used widely throughout the world, and was used in the United States before 1927 where the preferred spelling is now: aluminum.
The male portion of a flower.
antebellum (an" tee BEL uhm) (adjective) (no comparative)
A reference to a period just before a war; especially, the American Civil War or the War between the States: So significant was the American Civil War, that the Latin nomenclature of antebellum has been used to characterize the period before the U.S. Civil War, while "postbellum" refers to the time after the Civil War years.