turb-, turbin-, turbo-, turbu-
(Latin: uproar, commotion, disorderly, agitated, confusion; whirl, whirlwind)
1. Someone who deliberately stirs up irritations or problems; troublemaker: In Mrs. Robin's class there was a troubler who caused a lot or distress among the other students, and for herself as well.
2. Something that disturbs or afflicts: In Lynn's garden there were many troublers which caused her a lot of work, for example, the extreme amount of unwanted plants or weeds to pull and destructive insects.to get rid of.
2. Something that disturbs or afflicts: In Lynn's garden there were many troublers which caused her a lot of work, for example, the extreme amount of unwanted plants or weeds to pull and destructive insects.to get rid of.
troublesome (adjective), more troublesome, most troublesome
1. Concerning something difficult to deal with, or that causes difficulties, or takes a great deal of time: Jane's printer has been very troublesome lately and hasn't printed her copies at all.
2. Referring to something that produces annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: Having a troublesome knee or a troublesome hip pain can cause reoccurring aches and tendernesses.
2. Referring to something that produces annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: Having a troublesome knee or a troublesome hip pain can cause reoccurring aches and tendernesses.
troublesomely (adverb), more troublesomely, most troublesomely
Descriptive of how something or someone is taxing, difficult, or upsetting; vexatiously: When Jane tried on her bathing suit, it was so troublesomely unbecoming, that she decided to go on a diet right away.
The condition of being difficult or burdensome: Mr. Hathaway never knew the troublesomeness and irksomeness of filling out a complicated income tax form until he did it himself.
troubling (adjective), more troubling, most troubling
A reference to that which is distressing or worrying: Floyd's troubling cough bothered him so much that he went to see his doctor who suggested he have an x-ray of his chest.
troublous (adjective), more troublous, most troublous
1. Fraught with difficulty or many problems: The people were trying to survive during the troublous times of war.
2. Regarding something full of uneasiness or anxiety: Inflation in a country is a very troublous issue.
3. Turbulent; stormy: The sea was in such a troublous state that the ship didn't set sail that day.
3. Concerning something that causes disturbance; restless: Troublous thoughts and worries were plaguing him so much that he couldn't sleep.
2. Regarding something full of uneasiness or anxiety: Inflation in a country is a very troublous issue.
3. Turbulent; stormy: The sea was in such a troublous state that the ship didn't set sail that day.
3. Concerning something that causes disturbance; restless: Troublous thoughts and worries were plaguing him so much that he couldn't sleep.
troublously (adverb), more troublously, most troublously
1. A reference to how someone is concerned or anxious about something: His worries continuously and troublously upset him so much that he couldn't concentrate on his work.
2. Characterizing how something is distressful: unsettlingly: The weather was troublously hindering Joe's return home.
2. Characterizing how something is distressful: unsettlingly: The weather was troublously hindering Joe's return home.
A centrifugal air compressor driven by a gas turbine: A tuborsupercharger is used to increase the induction pressure in an internal combustion engine.
1. Any flatworm belonging to the Turbellaria, a class of platyhelminths or flatworms: Turbellarians are mostly aquatic, free-living, and have cilia on the body surface, such as the planarian.
2. Etymology: from New Latin Turbellāria, class name, from Latin turbella, "bustle"; diminutive of turba, "turmoil" based on the motion of their cilia in the water.
2. Etymology: from New Latin Turbellāria, class name, from Latin turbella, "bustle"; diminutive of turba, "turmoil" based on the motion of their cilia in the water.
turbid (adjective), more turbid, most turbid
1. Relating to something which is not clear or transparent because of stirred-up or suspended sediment or foreign particles; clouded; opaque; obscured; thick with roiled sediment: Tom and Jill could only see the turbid waters near the waterfall.
2. A reference to a thick, heavy, dark, or dense situation: Smoke, fog, air, and clouds are examples of some turbid conditions.
3. Concerning someone who is confused, disturbed, disorientated, or in a state of turmoil; muddled; disturbed: Henry was in a turbid and restless condition as a result of the auto accident that his son had earlier that day.
4. Etymology: from Latin turbidus, "disturbed"; from turba, "a crowd, a disturbance."

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2. A reference to a thick, heavy, dark, or dense situation: Smoke, fog, air, and clouds are examples of some turbid conditions.
3. Concerning someone who is confused, disturbed, disorientated, or in a state of turmoil; muddled; disturbed: Henry was in a turbid and restless condition as a result of the auto accident that his son had earlier that day.
4. Etymology: from Latin turbidus, "disturbed"; from turba, "a crowd, a disturbance."

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1. An instrument that measures the transmission and scattering of light in a fluid with suspended solids: The school students saw how a turbidimeter was used in a water-purification plant.
2. An instrument which estimates the growth of microorganisms by analyzing the turbidity of a sample: By using a turbidimeter, a light beam is passed through the prepared culture and the decrease in absorbance is measured.
2. An instrument which estimates the growth of microorganisms by analyzing the turbidity of a sample: By using a turbidimeter, a light beam is passed through the prepared culture and the decrease in absorbance is measured.
A method for determining the muddiness caused by stirring up a liquid: Turbidimetry is concerned with the assessment of the concentration of a substance in a solution by the degree of cloudiness or turbidity it causes or by the degree of clarification it induces in a turbid solution.
A sediment or rock deposited from a turbidity current: A turbidite is the rock created by moving down a steep decent at the rim of a continental shelf.
1. A measure of the degree of transparency of a fluid: The turbidity of drinking water is important to make sure of its purity.
2. Muddiness created by stirring up sediments or having foreign particles suspended: Turbidity is brought about by foreign particles mixed up or floating around within a liquid.
4. A measure of the opacity of the atmosphere: A perfectly clear sky has a turbidity of "0", and a completely opaque sky has a turbidity of "1".
2. Muddiness created by stirring up sediments or having foreign particles suspended: Turbidity is brought about by foreign particles mixed up or floating around within a liquid.
4. A measure of the opacity of the atmosphere: A perfectly clear sky has a turbidity of "0", and a completely opaque sky has a turbidity of "1".
turbidly (adverb), more turbidly, most turbidly
1. A description of how sediments, or foreign particles, are stirred up or suspended; muddily: The thunderstorm caused a lot of turbidly thickened water in the stream.
2. Characteristic of how something becomes heavy, dark, or dense, such as smoke or fog: As the day worn on, the afternoon air began to thicken and darken turbidly.
3. Descriptive of how something is in a state of turmoil; The arguments during the staff meeting were beginning to become turbidly confused, incoherent, and muddled.
2. Characteristic of how something becomes heavy, dark, or dense, such as smoke or fog: As the day worn on, the afternoon air began to thicken and darken turbidly.
3. Descriptive of how something is in a state of turmoil; The arguments during the staff meeting were beginning to become turbidly confused, incoherent, and muddled.