(Latin: a suffix; state, quality, condition of)
A condition of having limits or boundaries: It was easy to see that the waiter had reached the finitude of his patience when the customer was continuously complaining about the service in the restaurant.
A condition of being courageous when facing pain, danger, or trouble: When the doctor told Dorothy that she had cancer, she faced the situation with fortitude and a firmness of spirit and determination to do whatever was necessary to overcome the illness.

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It was taking a lot of fortitude for Jim to remain cheerful even while he was suffering from so much pain and discomfort.
Fortitude is an inner strength, willpower, and courage; however, there are some writers who use the term with reference to physical strength, stamina, or endurance; which is not quite what fortitude is supposed to mean.

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1. In astronomy, the angular distance in degrees which a celestial object lies north or south of the Earth's equator: The students in Mr. Green's class were asked to locate the geocentric latitude of the planet he assigned them.
2. In geodesy, the angle formed with the major axis of the ellipse (stretched circle with slightly longer, flatter sides) by the radius vector (magnitude and a direction) from the center of the ellipse to the given point: The geocentric latitude is the position on the Earth's surface, the angle between the place of the equator and the center of the Earth.
2. In geodesy, the angle formed with the major axis of the ellipse (stretched circle with slightly longer, flatter sides) by the radius vector (magnitude and a direction) from the center of the ellipse to the given point: The geocentric latitude is the position on the Earth's surface, the angle between the place of the equator and the center of the Earth.
The angular distance in degrees that a celestial object lies east or west of Greenwich Meridian, or the meridian passing through Greenwich (Greater London borough on the Thames in England: The geocentric longitude was internationally adopted as the Earth's zero of longitude in 1884.
An appreciative awareness and thankfulness for kindness shown or a gift received: Notes of gratitudes were sent expressing the family’s sincere gratefulness to all of the people who presented them with messages of sympathy and flowers after the death of their father.
A proper way or manner of behaving; a good habit: One good habitude that Jill learned while growing up was to brush her teeth in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.
1. A listlessness, lethargy, or laziness of the mind: Hebetude is not always stupidity; however, it is a mental slowness or dullness when reacting to one's environment or situation.
2. Etymology: from Late Latin hebetudo, from Latin hebes, hebet, "dull-witted", or "brainless".

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2. Etymology: from Late Latin hebetudo, from Latin hebes, hebet, "dull-witted", or "brainless".

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1. Lack of suitability; the situation of being inappropriate: Joan’s friend showed inaptitude when he started smoking while the others were still eating their dinner at the same table in the restaurant.
2. The absence of the skill or the capability of doing something: Because Tom realized his inaptitude at filling out his income tax form by himself, he decided to have a professional agency do it for him.

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2. The absence of the skill or the capability of doing something: Because Tom realized his inaptitude at filling out his income tax form by himself, he decided to have a professional agency do it for him.

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1. The condition of uncertainty or doubtfulness: Jack showed his incertitude when he was quite hesitant about inviting his friends over when he still had so much homework to do for school.
2. Insecurity or instability: After her mother passed away, Linda was in a state of incertitude, not knowing how to deal with the sadness which came over her.
2. Insecurity or instability: After her mother passed away, Linda was in a state of incertitude, not knowing how to deal with the sadness which came over her.
1. Unsuitable or a lack of proper behavior: James displayed his ineptitude at the dinner party by telling too many inappropriate jokes.
2. A deficiency of ability or skill: Because Tom knew his ineptitude at filling out his income tax form by himself, he decided to have a professional agency do it for him.
2. A deficiency of ability or skill: Because Tom knew his ineptitude at filling out his income tax form by himself, he decided to have a professional agency do it for him.
Without preciseness or accuracy: The inexactitude of the directions to the art museum caused Tim and Sara to spend more time trying to find it than they had anticipated.
A very large quantity that can't be measured, numbered, nor limited: The infinitude of the universe makes it impossible for mankind to express or measure the amount or degree of it.
Insufficient thankfulness or acknowledgment for a kindness that has been shown or for a birthday present or any other generosity: Holly's ingratitude for being helped so many times and not showing her appreciation disappointed her friends very much.
A condition of restlessness or uneasiness; being uncomfortable: After hearing about the car accident on the country road, Ann's mind was in complete inquietude because she didn't know if her daughter was involved in the crash; especially, since she hadn’t returned home from her trip at the expected time.
1. A condition or feeling of weariness; diminished energy: Harry's lassitude was caused by overworking on too many things in a short time.
2. A weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy: Lassitude is a condition of extreme fatigue or lethargy.
3. A state of comatose torpor; such as that which is found in sleeping sickness: Symptoms of Bert's illness resulted in his being pale and having extreme lassitude.
4. Etymology: from Middle French lassitude; from Latin lassitudinem, lassitudo, "faintness, weariness"; from lassus, "faint, tired, weary".

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2. A weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy: Lassitude is a condition of extreme fatigue or lethargy.
3. A state of comatose torpor; such as that which is found in sleeping sickness: Symptoms of Bert's illness resulted in his being pale and having extreme lassitude.
4. Etymology: from Middle French lassitude; from Latin lassitudinem, lassitudo, "faintness, weariness"; from lassus, "faint, tired, weary".