tropho-, troph-, -trophy, -trophs, -trophically, -trophic, -trophous
(Greek: food, nutrition, nourishment; development)
Don't confuse this tropho-, -trophy element with tropo-, meaning "turn, turning," etc.
2. A condition in which pond or lake water is unable to support much plant or animal life because of an excessive amount of humus content.
3. In medicine, a degenerative, faulty, or inadequate nutrition or development.
4. In pathology, any of a number of disorders characterized by weakening, degeneration; especially, muscular dystrophy, in which the muscles weaken and atrophy.
2. Describes an organism that gets its nutrients from the outside surface of its host.
2. The nutritive material that is supplied the embryo of a placental mammal during development.
2. Nourished or receiving nourishment from within; for example, fungi or their hyphae receiving nourishment from plant roots in a mycorrhizal association.
3. In ecology, with reference to lakes or ponds, characterized by an abundant accumulation of nutrients that support a dense growth of algae and other organisms, the decay of which depletes the shallow waters of oxygen in summer: "Eutrophic waters (lakes or ponds) are rich in mineral and organic nutrients which promote a proliferation of plant life; especially, algae, that reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms."
2, In ecology, referring to a lake or other body of water, containing a rich supply of plant nutrients and characterized by seasonal periods of oxygen deficiency because of the excessive growth of algae.
"When water regions eutrophicate, they change in many ways: oxygen disappears from the deep places in water regions first."
"When nutrients from the bottom are set free into the water, eutrophicating speeds up and because the content of nutrients is rising, the alqae begins to bloom."
"Since eutrophicating in water regions in their natural state are decreasing, then biological multiplicity decreases, water regions are getting polluted, and the quality of the environment is getting worse."
2. Having waters (lakes and/or ponds) rich in mineral and organic nutrients that promote a proliferation of plant life; especially, algae, which reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms: "Agricultural fertilizers and many commercial detergents are rich in phosphorus and the pollution of a lake with the addition of more phosphorus to its waters first produces a green scum of algal growth on the surface of the lake and then, if the pollution continues, it proceeds to kill the lake."
"After the initial bloom of rapid algal growth, aging algae die, and then the bacteria feeding on the dead algae cells use up so much of the lake's dissolved oxygen that fish and invertebrate animals suffocate."
2. With reference to lakes and ponds, a state of being over-rich in organic and mineral nutrients which promote plant life at the expense of animal life.
3. A process of becoming eutrophic, especially because of pollution.
2. Nourished or receiving nourishment from external parts.
Hemiatrophy has been reported in association with a variety of neurologic conditions, including parkinsonism. Patients with the hemiparkinson-hemiatrophy syndrome (HP-HA) have asymmetric parkinsonism with limb atrophy on the more affected side.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.