-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(Greek: a suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument; more generally, used in the names of any kind of chamber or apparatus used in experiments)
A possible allusion to the Greek instrumental suffix, as in árotron, "plow" as spelled in the U.S. or "plough", as spelled by the British; from the Greek stem aroun, "to plow".
The suffix -tron is the result of the combining form extracted from electron, used with nouns or combining forms, principally in the names of electron tubes (ignitron; klystron; magnetron) and of devices for accelerating subatomic particles (cosmotron; cyclotron); also, more generally, in the names of any kind of chamber or apparatus used in experiments (biotron).
2. The process of making a graphical record of a varying quantity or signal (or the result of such a process) by electronic procedures, involving control of an electron beam by electric or magnetic fields, as in a cathode-ray oscillograph, in contrast to light-beam recording.
2. A robot whose motions are powered by a direct electronic-current stepper motor; such as, a motor that rotates in small, fixed increments and is used to control the movement of the access arm on a disk drive.
Such dynamic behavior can be simulated by altering circuit gains and reference voltages.
2. A procedure that is used for constructing a model of a system by using an analog computer, in which the model is devised at the console by interconnecting components on the basis of analogous configurations with real system elements.By adjusting circuit gains and reference voltages, dynamic behavior can be generated which corresponds to the desired response, or is recognizable in the real system.
2. A security procedure that is used to restrict access to valuable information.
3. Protection which results from all of the measures designed to prevent unauthorized people access to information of value which might be derived from the possession and study of electromagnetic radiations.
2. An electronic device that indicates the departure of a missile from a predetermined trajectory or the path followed by an object moving through space.
The term sky screen refers to equipment that provides a posiive indication to the military range-safety officer whenever a missile deviates from its planned trajectory or its movement through space.
One sky screen monitors the flight bearing and the other sky screen monitors vertical programming.
2. An electronic amplifier of sounds within a body.
Its selective controls permit a tuning for low heart tones or high pulmonary tones. It has an auxiliary output for recording or viewing audio patterns.
2. A thermometer that uses a sensor, usually a thermistor, which is placed on or near an object which is being measured.
3. An instrument which is used to measure a temperature that operates with the action of an electronic sensor which is positioned next to the substance being measured.
2. An airborne radar that uses a phased-array antenna which changes radar-beam forms and beam positions at electronic speeds.
When combined with digital processing of the radar returns, it can simultaneously provide such functions as beacon-locating, forward-looking mapping, navigation updating, terrain avoidance, and terrain-following in manned strategic bombers and other aircraft.
2. The science of all systems involving the use of electrical instruments used for communication information processing, and control.
3. That field of science and engineering which deals with electron systems, circuits, and devices that control the flow of electrons.
4.The name given to that branch of electrical engineering that deals with tools the operations of which depend on the movement of electrons in space as opposed to the movement of electrons in liquids or solid conductors; for example, radio tubes, photoelectric cells, etc.
The term electronics refers to a large number of different phenomena and devices in which useful electrical effects are achieved through control of the motion of electrons.
The fact that the time in which we live is sometimes referred to as "the electronic age" indicates what widespread consequences are involved.
A representative partial list of electronic devices today includes such diverse applications as rectifiers, amplifiers, integrated circuits, memories, microwave sources and receivers, light-emitting devices, light-detecting devices, and solar cells to convert solar energy into electricity.
2. A method of assessing and recording eye movements by measuring the electric activity of the extraocular muscles.
3. The registering of eye movements in spontaneous and induced nystagmus, using either a bioelectric or a photoelectric technique.
The bioelectric method records the changes in electrical potential produced by movements of the eye in the plane of two electrodes placed on either side of the eye or, if vertical nystagmus is to be measured, then the two electrodes are positioned above and below the eye.
Its important clinical application is the testing of vestibular function or the sense of balance and spatial orientation.
2. Either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings.
3. One of the pair of hardened forewings of certain insects; such as, beetles, forming a protective covering for the posterior or flight wings. Also called wing case, wing cover.
4. Either of the leathery or chitinous forewings of a beetle or a related insect, serving to encase the thin, membranous hind wings used in flight.

An insect with elytra which is a dung beetle impaled on a barbed wire; as seen in NewScientist, May 27, 2006 in "The Last Word", page 93.
2. One of the forewings of a true bug, having a hard, thick basal portion and a thinner, membranous apex.
3. One of the partially thickened anterior wings of certain insects, as of many Hemiptera, the earwigs, etc.
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "electricity": electro-; galvano-; hodo-; ion-; piezo-; volt; biomechatronics, info; mechatronics, info.
Related topics about "technology": Biometrics: Index; Biomimetics: Index; Biopiracy; Emerging Technologies; Geographic Information System (GIS): Index; Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS); Global Positioning System (GPS); Information Tech; Mechatronics; Nanotechnology; RFID; Robotics; Technological Breakthroughs; Technological Innovations; WAAS; Wireless Communications.