tricho-, trich-, -tricha, -trichia, -trichan, -trichic, -trichosis, -trichous, -thrix, -trichum, -trichy +
(Greek: hair [thread; filament; condition of the hair])
2. Atrophy of the hair bulbs, with brittleness, splitting, and the falling out of hair.
Atrophy is the wasting away, deterioration, or diminution resulting from disease, injury, or lack of use.
2. A disease of the eye, in which the eyelashes, being turned in upon the eyeball, produce constant irritation by the motion of the lids.
The acquired type usually follows an inflammatory condition that produces distortion of sight.
3. Hair growing in toward an orifice or against the eyeball.4. The presence of minute hairlike filaments in the urine.
Cowden's disease is also known as hypertrichosis and gingival fibromatosis from infancy, it may also be accompanied by postpubertal fibroadenomatous breast enlargement; papules of the face are characteristic of multiple trichilemmomas.
Infection may derive from undercooked meat. Symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, and fever. Latin name Trichinella spiralis.
2. A small, slender nematoid worm (Trichina spiralis) which, in the larval state, is parasitic, often in immense numbers, in the voluntary muscles of man, the hog, and many other animals.When insufficiently cooked meat containing the larvae is swallowed by man, they are liberated and rapidly become adult, pair, and the ovoviviparous females produce in a short time large numbers of young which find their way into the muscles, either directly, or indirectly by means of the blood. Their presence in the muscles and the intestines in large numbers produces trichinosis.
Infection occurs through the consumption of infected meat (usually domestic pork) that carries the encysted larvae of T. Spiralis.
Common symptoms include: diarrhoea, muscle pains, fever, dehydration and swelling around the eyes. Myocarditis (heart infection), pneumonitis (lung infection) and encephalitis (brain infection) can also occur in advanced cases.
2. "A disease caused by trichinae", 1866, coined by Bernhard Rupprecht (1815-77) from trichina (1835), from Modern Latin, genus name of certain minute parasitic worms, from Greek trikhine, feminine of trikhinos, "of or like hair", from thrix (genitive of trikhos) "hair". A special report about Trichinosis.
2. Pertaining to, or containing, Trichinella (nematode worms that are parasites of mankind, hogs, rats, dogs, cats, and many other mammals).
2. A kind of crystallite resembling a bunch of hairs, common in obsidian.
3. A delicate, hairlike siliceous (containing silica) spicule (slender, sharp-pointed), found in certain sponges.
4. Trichite sheaf, one of the small sheaflike fascicles (bundles) of slender setae characteristic of certain sponges.