tricho-, trich-, -tricha, -trichia, -trichan, -trichic, -trichosis, -trichous, -thrix, -trichum, -trichy +

(Greek: hair [thread; filament; condition of the hair])

1. The thinness of each hair.
2. A genus of anaerobic, gram-negative, filamentous bacteria that naturally occur in the oral cavity but can also occur in the genitourinary tract.

They consist of straight or slightly curved, nonmotile rods with one or both ends rounded or pointed, arranged frequently in pairs or long filaments.

Any disease attributed to a species of Leptotrichia (or Leptothrix).

In fact, Leptotrichia is considered a doubtful pathogen and this is not a useful term (according to the International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology, Volume II, Churchill Livingston, New York, 1986).

leukotrichia (s) (noun), leukotrichias (pl)
Whiteness of the hair, or whiteness in a certain area: Jane's mother noticed a white spot of hair on the back of Jane's head, and after seeing their family doctor, she was informed that her daughter had a condition of leukotrichia, which was harmless due to a lack of any other symptoms.
1. Seborrhea of the scalp or the copious excretion of fat or oil from the scalp to the hair.
2. An excessive greasiness of hair.
lipotrichia, leipotrichia
A loss of hair.
1. A loss of hair.
2. The falling out of hair.
Having straight or smooth hair.
Having straight hair.
Having straight hair.
Having two or more flagella at one or both ends; said of a bacterial cell.
In Diptera the larger microscopic hairs on the surface of the wings; single or branched hairs, sometimes called setae; these are hollow, longer than microtrichia, and arise from a pit or socket; they may be fine or thickened.
A reference to or having black hair.
1. Minute hairs projecting from the integument, they are formed around cellular filaments.

An integument is a natural outer covering or coat: such as, the skin of an animal or the membrane enclosing an organ or the envelope of an ovule.

2. Minute, hair-like structures found on the wings of certain insects; they resemble small covering hairs, but the absence of basal articulation distinguishes them; fixed hairs; aculei; minute non-movable hairs formed from cuticle; may produce an impression of cloudiness or color.
oligotrich, oligotrichs
The oligotrichs are a group of ciliate protozoa, included among the spirotrichs.

They have prominent oral cilia, which are arranged as a collar and lapel, in contrast to the choreotrichs where they form a complete circle. The body cilia are reduced to a girdle and ventral cilia.

1. Deficiency in the growth of hair; especially, when congenital.
2. Presence of less than the normal amount of hair.
3. The thinness or sparseness of hair.