traumat-, traumato-, trauma-, traum-, -trauma, -traumatic, -traumatically +
(Greek > Latin: wound, wounded; bodily injury)
traumatic (adjective), more traumatic, most traumatic
1. A reference to an extremely distressing, frightening, or shocking event which sometimes has long-term psychological effects: Losing her only child was the most traumatic experience Mildred had ever experienced in her life.
2. Relating to a physical injury or wound to the body: The traumatic damage to Helen's arm was caused by slipping on the ice on the side of the street in winter and involved surgery and many sessions of therapy before she could finally have a complete recovery.
3. Etymology: from Greek traumatikos, "pertaining to a wound"; from trauma, "wound, damage".

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2. Relating to a physical injury or wound to the body: The traumatic damage to Helen's arm was caused by slipping on the ice on the side of the street in winter and involved surgery and many sessions of therapy before she could finally have a complete recovery.
3. Etymology: from Greek traumatikos, "pertaining to a wound"; from trauma, "wound, damage".

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Hair loss caused by injury to the scalp.
Common causes include the use of caustic hair straighteners; especially, those that include lye as an ingredient; stress traction injury from tight rollers and braiding; over heating of the hair shafts; and the compulsive pulling out of hair (trichotillomania).
An amputation resulting from direct trauma.
The loss of sensation because of an injury to a nerve: Dr. Dawson, the neurologist, explained the positive improvements of Mark's traumatic anesthesia in terms of his ability to resume jogging.
An aneurysm (localized widening or dilatation of an artery, vein, or the heart) produced by injury; such as, crushing, or following a stab or gunshot wound; as distinguished from one resulting from disease.
traumatic cervicitis (s) (noun)
Inflammation of the cervix caused by local injury.
A seizure associated with, or due to, an acute brain injury; such as, a concussion or contusion.
1. That which follows severe head injury; superficially the patient is alert, but there is marked disorientation, memory defect, and confabulation.
2. A variety of delirium following injury; especially a head injury; possibly resulting in insanity, frenzy, madness, derangement, aberration, mania, lunacy, and fury.
2. A variety of delirium following injury; especially a head injury; possibly resulting in insanity, frenzy, madness, derangement, aberration, mania, lunacy, and fury.
traumatic dementia (s), traumatic dementias (nouns)
Chronic brain disorder with the loss of intellectual functioning resulting from a severe cerebral injury.
traumatic encephalopathy, boxer's encephalopathy (s) (noun); traumatic encephalopathies; boxer's encephalopathies (pl)
A syndrome due to cumulative punishment absorbed by athletes: A traumatic encephalopathy can occur with boxers, wrestlers, or football players and is characterized by the general slowing of mental functions, occasional bouts of confusion, and scattered memory loss.
traumatic fever (s), traumatic fevers (nouns)
An increase in bodily temperature following an injury or a serious wound.
traumatic pneumonosis (s) (noun)
1. In aerospace medicine, acute noninflammatory pathologic changes produced in the lungs by a large momentary deceleration.
The principal changes are hemorrhage, emphysema, and laceration.
2. Lung disease brought on by trauma.
An ulcer of the oral mucosa caused by repeated trauma from a dental appliance or a sharp tooth.
A growth-promoting substance in plants that may be chemically identical with traumatic acid (a hormone produced by a plant that stimulates the production of wound periderm at the point of an injury to the plant).
A condition resulting from a physical injury or a wound or from an emotional shock.