toxico-, toxic-, toxi-, tox-, toxin-, -toxically, -toxaemia, -toxemia, -toxaemic, -toxemic, -toxical, -toxy, -toxis, -toxicosis, -toxism, -toxia, -toxin, -toxicity
(Greek: poison)
This Greek element originally meant "bow", then it became "arrow", then a "poisoned arrow" and finally "poison". In most cases, toxico- means poison, but in a few situations it refers to the original meaning of "arrow", as in toxophilite and toxophily; "love of or fondness for archery", and so it shouldn't be confused with toxophil, toxophile, "having an affinity for or an attraction to a toxin or poison'.
fetotoxic (adjective), more fetotoxic, most fetotoxic
A reference to anything that is poisonous to the fetus: Elements considered potentially fetotoxic include alcohol, morphine, cocaine, salicylates (salt or ester of salicylic acid), coumarin anticoagulants (one of a group of natural and synthetic compounds that antagonize the biosynthesis of vitamin K), sedatives, tetracyclines (group of broad-spectrum antibiotics), thiazides (diuretics primarily in the treatment of hypertension), tobacco smoke, and excessive doses of vitamin K.
An injury to the fetus through the placenta: Fetotoxicity can occur when a poisonous substance enters the reproductive structure and its circulation and therefore may cause death or retardation of growth and development.
forensic toxicology
The use of toxicology to aid a medicolegal investigation of death and poisoning.
Many toxic substances do not produce characteristic lesions, so if a toxic reaction is suspected, visual investigation may not provide an adequate deduction.
A forensic toxicologist must consider the context of an investigation, in particular any physical symptoms recorded, and any evidence collected at a crime scene that may narrow the search; such as, pill bottles, powders, trace residue, and any available chemicals.
Provided with this information and samples with which to work, the forensic toxicologist must determine which toxic substances are present, in what concentrations, and the probable effect of those chemicals on the human subject being investigated.
A description of a substance that is poisonous to fungi.
The property of being fungitoxic or poisonous in any way deleterious (detrimental) to the growth of fungi.
Toxic condition resulting from the hematogenous dissemination of gonococci and the effects of the absorbed endotoxin.
Intoxication by a poison not produced within the body: The physical state of heterointoxication can occur by poisoning That has its source outside a person's body.
Poisonous only to species that are different from the organism producing the poison.