topo-, top-, -topia, -topy, -topism, -topic

(Greek: place, a position, region, local, localized)

Recognition of the location of a stimulus on the skin or in any other part of the body.
1. Recognition of the location of a stimulus on the skin.
2. The ability to recognize a tactile sensation.
1. A specialist in topography.
2. Someone who describes the surface features of a place or region.
3. A person who describes a particular place, town, city, or tract of land.
4. Someone who describes and maps the surface features of geographic regions.
Concerned with topography; such as, a topographical engineer; a topographical survey; or topographic maps.
topographic histology
The study of cell and tissue specialization according to the anatomic site in which they occur.
Of or pertaining to topography; descriptive of a place.
1. The study and mapping of the features on the surface of land, including natural features; such as, mountains and rivers and constructed features; such as, highways and railroads.
2. The features on the surface of an area of land.
3. The detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality.
4. A detailed description; especially, by means of surveying; of particular localities;such as, cities, towns, or estates.
5. The features, relations, or configuration of a structural entity.
6. A schema of a structural entity; such as, of the mind, a field of study, or society, reflecting a division into distinct areas having a specific relation or a specific position relative to one another.
7. A study or detailed description of the various features of an object or entity and the relationships between them.
8. In anatomy, the description of any part of the body, especially in relation to a definite and limited area of the surface.
Excessive reverence for a place.
1. The art of, or method for, assisting a person's memory by associating the thing or subject to be remembered with some place.
2. In mathematics: A branch of math that deals with shapes; sometimes describes as geometry without the details.

To a topologist, a sphere, a cigar, and a rabbit's head are all the same because they can be deformed into one another. In addition, a coffee mug and a doughnut are also the same because each has one hole, but they are not equivalent to a sphere.

Topology emerged as part of geometry which did away with metric properties of shapes, angles, and distances. For example, topologically, a sphere and a cube are one and the same object since one can be transformed continuously (i.e. with no cutting nor tearing) into another. Therefore, it is so much more remarkable that number invariants are still used to characterize topological objects.

3. Topographic study of a given place, especially the history of a region as indicated by its topography.
4. In medicine: The anatomical structure of a specific area or part of the body.
5. Computer Science: The arrangement in which the nodes of a LAN are connected to each other.
topomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
A manner of fortune-telling by observing the contour or shape of the land: Jeff viewed the forms of the landscape and thought that, with the help of topomancy, he could discover what his future wife would be like.
toponarcosis (s) (noun), toponarcoses (pl)
A localized cutaneous anesthesia.
1. A place-name; a name given to a person or thing marking its place of origin; for example, pharos refers to a lighthouse and is based on Pharos, a peninsula in Northern Egypt, site of an ancient lighthouse built by Ptolemy, one of the "Seven Wonders of the World".
  1. "champagne" from Champagne in France
  2. "cashmere" from Kashmir in India
2. Long lists of personal names followed by those of the cities from which these persons came.
3. A descriptive place-name, usually derived from some topographical feature of the place.
4. The place-names of a country, or district, as a subject of study; for example, London, Mount Everest, and San Francisco, Death Valley, etc.
5. A scientific name for a part of the body.
The etymological study of place names.