tono-, ton-, -tonia, -tonic, -tonous, -tony

(Greek > Latin: sound, tone; that which is stretched, a stretching, a straining, a pitch of the voice, a musical note)

1. Relating to a language in which changes in pitch distinguish meaning.
2. Pertaining to tonal pronunciation or languages.
The study of pronunciations.
tonic, tonological
1. The first degree of the scale; the keynote.
2. A tonic syllable or accent.
3. Using differences in tone or pitch to distinguish between words that are otherwise phonemically identical; a tonic language.
4. Pertaining to tone or accent in speech.
5. Bearing the principal stress or accent; usually accompanied by a change in pitch.
6. A reference to a tone or tones.
7. Pertaining to or founded on the keynote, or first tone, of a musical scale: a tonic chord.
tonitrous (adjective)
1. Full of or characterized by thunder, loud noise, or violent utterance; thundery; thundering.
2. Reverberating with the sound of thunder
Pertaining to, or loaded with, thunder.
tonitruone (s), tonitruones (pl) (noun forms)
1. An instrument used to imitate thunder.
2. Devices used in theaters or movies to create thunder.
A reference to the study of tones (intonation) in speech.
The study of tones (intonation) in speech.
An instrument, such as a graduated set of tuning forks, used to determine the pitch or vibration rate of tones.
Someone who uses an instrument, such as a graduated set of tuning forks, to determine the pitch or vibration rate of tones.
An instrument or device for determining the exact pitch or the vibration rate of tones.
A modification of the kaleidophon, for showing composition of acoustic vibrations. It consists of two thin slips of steel welded together, their length being adjustable by a screw socket.
An instrument for the examination of the interior of the cranium by means of sound.
Denoting a spatial arrangement of structures such that certain tone frequencies are transmitted, as in the auditory pathway.Pertaining to the spatial arrangement of where sound is perceived, transmitted, or received.

There is tonotopy in the cochlea, the small snail-like structure in the inner ear that sends information about sound to the brain. There is also tonotopy in the human auditory cortex, that part of the brain that receives and interprets sound information.

From tono- plus the Greek topos meaning "place" equals "the place of tones".