theco-, thec-, the-, theca-, theci-, -thecial, -thecae, -thecas, -thecium, -theca, -thec, -thecal, -thecial, -thecae, -thecas, -thecs, -tecs
(Greek > Latin: case, capsule, sheath, container, receptacle [also: a placing, a setting, a putting]; "a place where" something is kept)
1. The outer layer of cells of the spore-containing capsule of a moss.
2. The layer or one of the layers of cells in the capsule of a moss surrounding the spores.
2. In certain lichens, a layer of cells that surrounds the fungal apothecium.
2. The layer or one of the layers of cells in the capsule of a moss surrounding the spores.
2. In certain lichens, a layer of cells that surrounds the fungal apothecium.
1. A drugstore or a place where prescriptions can be filled and where they are stored: Brent went to the apothecary to talk to the druggist about some medical drugs that might diminish his headache.
2. Etymology: "shopkeeper, especially one who stores, compounds, and sells medicaments"; from Old French apotecaire; Modern French apothicaire; from Late Latin apothecarius, "storekeeper"; from Latin apotheca, "storehouse"; which came from Greek apotheke "storehouse". Literally, "a place where things are put away", from apo- "away" + tithenai "to put".

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2. Etymology: "shopkeeper, especially one who stores, compounds, and sells medicaments"; from Old French apotecaire; Modern French apothicaire; from Late Latin apothecarius, "storekeeper"; from Latin apotheca, "storehouse"; which came from Greek apotheke "storehouse". Literally, "a place where things are put away", from apo- "away" + tithenai "to put".

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A disk-shaped or cup-shaped ascocarp of some lichens and the fungi Ascomycetes.
To reject; to deny, to disprove.
Exhibiting or characteristic of athetosis; such as, "athetoid children" or "athetoid movements".
1. A nervous disorder that is marked by continual slow movements especially of the extremities and is usually due to a brain lesion.
2. A derangement marked by ceaseless occurrence of slow, sinuous, writhing movements, especially severe in the hands and performed involuntarily, it may occur after hemiplegia and is then known as posthemiplegic chorea.
3. A condition, chiefly in children, of slow, involuntary, wormlike movements of the fingers, toes, hands, and feet, usually resulting from a brain lesion.
4. A constant succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements of flexion, extension, pronation, and supination of fingers and hands, and sometimes of toes and feet.
2. A derangement marked by ceaseless occurrence of slow, sinuous, writhing movements, especially severe in the hands and performed involuntarily, it may occur after hemiplegia and is then known as posthemiplegic chorea.
3. A condition, chiefly in children, of slow, involuntary, wormlike movements of the fingers, toes, hands, and feet, usually resulting from a brain lesion.
4. A constant succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements of flexion, extension, pronation, and supination of fingers and hands, and sometimes of toes and feet.
Coined by the American nerve specialist William Alexander Hammond (1828-1900) in 1871 from Greek athetos, "not fixed" and suffix -osis, "a state of a disease".
1. A collection of books or treatises, a library.
2. A bibliographer’s catalog.
3. A catalog of books.
4. The Scriptures, the Bible.
2. A bibliographer’s catalog.
3. A catalog of books.
4. The Scriptures, the Bible.
bibliothecal (adjective) (not comparative)
A reference to books belonging to a library.
1. A library.
2. Of or belonging to a library or a librarian.
2. Of or belonging to a library or a librarian.
1. A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example.
2. A small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.
3. A small business offering specialized products and services.
4. Etymology: from Old French botique, "small shop"; from Old Provençal botica, from Latin apothca, "storehouse". Related to the etymological origin of apothecary.
2. A small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.
3. A small business offering specialized products and services.
4. Etymology: from Old French botique, "small shop"; from Old Provençal botica, from Latin apothca, "storehouse". Related to the etymological origin of apothecary.
A plant with closed spherical ascocarp.
1. The scaly covering of the toes, as in birds.
2. The horny covering on the toes of birds.
2. The horny covering on the toes of birds.