the-; them-, themat-, thes-, thet-
(Latin: placing, setting; to place, to put)
2. A "rhetorical transposition of words"; from Greek, then Late Latin metathesis, "change of position, transposition"; from the stem of metatithenai, "to transpose" from meta-, "to change" + tithenai, "to place, to set".
2. Either, or both, of the upright curved lines, ( ), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or to enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical operation.
3. A word or phrase that comments on, or qualifies part of the sentence, in which it is found and is isolated from it by parentheses or dashes.
4. A piece of speech or writing that wanders off from the main topic.
5. Something that acts as a pause or a break in something.
6."In parenthesis" may refer to an additional qualifying, explanatory, or otherwise separate comment.
7. Etymology: "words, clauses, etc. inserted into a sentence", from Middle French parenthèse, from Late Latin parenthesis, "addition of a letter to a syllable in a word"; from Greek parenthesis. Literally, "a putting in beside", from parentithenai, "put in beside"; from para-, "beside" + en-, "in" + tithenai, "to put, to place".
2. A device to augment the performance of a natural function: A hearing aid is another example of a prosthesis.
Prostheses are also used for cosmetic reasons; such as, a breast prosthesis that is fitted after a mastectomy, or the removal of a breast, and a glass eye which is inserted to replace a diseased eye which has had to be surgically removed.
3. In linguistics, the addition of a letter or a syllable to a word: One example of a language prostheses is when an "s" is added to words to make them plurals; such as, book > books, plant > plants, cartoon > cartoons, etc.4. Etymology: from Latin and Greek prosthesis, "addition of a letter" or "syllable to a word"; from prostithenai, "add to"; from pros, "to" + tithenai, "to put, to place".
The reference to "artificial body part" is first recorded in 1706.
Additional information about prostheses.
2. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the preparations for the offering of Communion.
2. The process of producing a chemical compound; usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds: "Plants have syntheses of light, carbon dioxide, and water that produce food."
3. Reasoning from the general to the particular; or from cause to effect.
4. A new unified whole resulting from the combination of different ideas, influences, or objects: "The lexicographer confirmed that his entries were syntheses of research and observations plus a desire to show the words in action."
5. The process of combining different ideas, influences, or objects into a new concepts.
6. The formation of compounds through one or more chemical reactions with simpler substances.
7. The production of music or speech using an electronic instrument.
8. In Hegelian philosophy, a new idea that resolves the conflict between the initial proposition thesis and its negative elements.
2. Someone who composes or combines parts or elements so as to form a whole.
Because Sally couldn't wear synthetic clothes, she looked for outfits made of wool, cotton, linen, or silk.
2. Pertaining to something which has been prepared, or made, artificially: Nylon, for example, is a synthetic fiber which is not made from a natural material; such as, cellulose.3. A reference to an emotion or action which is not genuine; especially, when expressed but not sincerely felt: Henry made a synthetic statement of sympathy at the loss of his friend's baseball team, but he didn't really mean it.
4. Etymology: from Greek sunthetikos, "constructive, skilled in putting together", from Latin sunthetos, "combined".

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2. Characterized by a distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea: "Accuracy will be the thematic motto of our project."
3. Relating to a melody that is repeated, often with variations, throughout a piece of music.
4. Referring to a song or tune that is played at the beginning or end of, or during, a movie or television program and is identified with it.
5. A description of something with a single distinct character, issue, or subject that is discussed often or repeatedly: "The growing deficit was a dominant thematic issue during the election."
2. A distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea: "Efficiency will be the theme of this energy organization."
3. A melody that is repeated, often with variations, throughout a piece of music; such as, one of the themes of the concerto.
4. A song or tune that is played at the beginning, or end of, or during, a movie or television program and is identified with it: "We always loved to hear the theme from "The Magnificent Seven".
5. A short essay or written exercise for a student.
6. Etymology: from Old French tesme; from Latin thema, "a subject, a thesis"; from Greek thema, "a proposition, a subject, a deposit". Literally, "something set down", from the root of tithenai, "to put down, to place".
A temenos relates to Greek antiquity, the enclosure of a sanctuary, the holy ground belonging to the god and governed by special rules, or the sacred precinct at a cult center; containing the altar, temple, and other features.
There might be numerous buildings for the main cult and a series of thesauroi, stoas (classical Greek building with a long open colonnade), and dedications from worshipers. In Egyptian architecture, loosely applied to the area within the enclosure wall of a temple.
2. A dictionary of words relating to a particular subject.
3. A place in which valuable things are stored.
4. Etymology: from 1823, "treasury, storehouse"; from Latin thesaurus "treasury, treasure"; from Greek thesauros, "a treasure, treasury, storehouse, chest"; from root of tithenai "to put, to place".
The meaning "encyclopedia filled with information" is from 1840, but it existed earlier as thesaurarie (1592), used as a title by early dictionary compilers. The meaning, "collection of words arranged according to sense" is first attested 1852 in Roget's title. Thesaur is attested in Middle English with the meaning, "treasure" (about 15th century-16th century).
2. A dissertation based on original research; especially, as work toward an academic degree.
Other words for long research papers include: "treatise, dissertation, monograph, disquisition, research, essay", or "investigation".
3. A treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree.4. An "unaccented syllable" or "note", from Latin thesis, "unaccented syllable in poetry"; later "a stressed part of a metrical foot", from Greek thesis, "a proposition"; also, "downbeat" (in music).
Originally, "a setting down" or "placing"; from root of tithenai, "to place, to put, to set".