ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence
(Latin: hold, grasp, have)
continuous (noun) (not comparable)
1. A function or curve; extending without pausing or any having any irregularities.
2. Pertaining to something that goes on without changing, stopping, or being interrupted by space or time: "There were several days of continuous rain and winds in Sharon's part of the country."
3. Having no gaps, holes, or breaks.
2. Pertaining to something that goes on without changing, stopping, or being interrupted by space or time: "There were several days of continuous rain and winds in Sharon's part of the country."
3. Having no gaps, holes, or breaks.
continuously (adverb) (not comparable)
Going on without stopping or happening without any interruptions: "Some rivers flow continuously to the seas."
"When people run in a marathon, they do it without taking a break until they finish."
continuum (s), continua (pl)
1. A link between two things, or a continuous series of things, that blend into each other so gradually and seamlessly that it is impossible to say where one becomes the next; such as, a rainbow forms a continuum of color.
2. A set of real numbers between any two of which a third can always be found, and in which there are no gaps.
3. A continuous non-spatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts.
2. A set of real numbers between any two of which a third can always be found, and in which there are no gaps.
3. A continuous non-spatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts.
countenance (verb), countenances; countenanced; countenancing
To accept, to approve, or to support an action: The mayor said he would countenance and authorize a rock concert to take place in the city park next Saturday.

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detain (verb), detains; detained; detaining
1. To officially prevent a person from leaving a place or to keep someone in a prison or some other place: "The three teenagers were detained by the police for questioning regarding the shooting of a man who was running for exercise by the side of a street."
2. To keep people from leaving or arriving at an expected time: "The train detained passengers for one hour because it delayed its arrival as the result of an accident."
3. Etymology: from Latin detinere "to hold off, to keep back"; from de-, "from, away"+ tenere, "to hold".
2. To keep people from leaving or arriving at an expected time: "The train detained passengers for one hour because it delayed its arrival as the result of an accident."
3. Etymology: from Latin detinere "to hold off, to keep back"; from de-, "from, away"+ tenere, "to hold".
detained (adjective), more detained, most detained
1. Relating to delaying something and keeping it taking place at an expected time: "The detained arrival of the guests was caused by heavy traffic."
2. A reference to an official holding of a person, or people, by some organization: "The detained men wanted to know why they were being stopped by the military police when they weren't near the army base."
2. A reference to an official holding of a person, or people, by some organization: "The detained men wanted to know why they were being stopped by the military police when they weren't near the army base."
1. A person held temporarily or for a short time in custody or confinement.
2. Someone who is held in custody prior to a trial or a legal hearing.
3. To hold temporarily, usually in an emergency.
4. In the military, a term used to refer to anyone who is captured or otherwise captured by an armed force.
2. Someone who is held in custody prior to a trial or a legal hearing.
3. To hold temporarily, usually in an emergency.
4. In the military, a term used to refer to anyone who is captured or otherwise captured by an armed force.
A person, or people, who prevent others from leaving a place: "The police detainers were holding suspects to see who was responsible for the major auto accident on the highway."