syn-, sy-, sym-, syl-, sys-
(Greek: with, together with; also by extension: united; same, similar; at the same time)
The term tends to be used more in reference to mutualists (relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; each gains benefits from the other) than to parasites, commensals (relationship in which one species derives some benefit while the other is unaffected), or other types of symbionts.

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Living with other species is an example of symbiosis and that is what you will see here.
2. Association of two different organisms (usually two plants, or an animal and a plant) which live attached to each other, or one as a tenant of the other, and contribute to each other’s support.
Also more widely, any intimate association of two or more different organisms, whether mutually beneficial or not.
3. The biological association of two or more species for their mutual benefit.4. The mutual cooperation or interdependence of two people, as mother and infant, or husband and wife; sometimes used to denote excessive or pathological interdependence of two persons.
Here is more information and several illustrations about symbiosis.
2. A reference to an organism obtaining nourishment through a symbiotic relationship.
2. A letter, figure, or other character or mark or a combination of letters or the like used to designate something: the algebraic symbol "x"; the chemical symbol Au.
3. A word, phrase, image, or the like having a complex of associated meanings and perceived as having inherent value separable from that which is symbolized, as being part of that which is symbolized, and as performing its normal function of standing for or representing that which is symbolized: usually conceived as deriving its meaning chiefly from the structure in which it appears, and generally distinguished from a sign.
4. About 1434, "creed, summary, religious belief", from Late Latin symbolum, "creed, token, mark", from the Greek notion of the "mark" that distinguishes Christians from pagans; from syn- "together" plus the stem of ballein, "to throw". The etymological sense is from "throwing things together" to "contrasting" to "comparing" to "token used in comparisons to determine if something is genuine"; therefore, an "outward sign" of something."

What we have here is a symbol of "The French way of reform"; that is, at a snail's pace; as presented by Time magazine dated May 1, 2006, on its cover. In addition, the cover included: "Don't write France off. At its own steady pace, it's changing more than you would guess from the headlines."
2. Serving as a symbol; such as, using symbolism in symbolic art.
2. The disguised representation in conscious thought of unconscious or repressed contents or events.
3. A set or system of symbols.
4. A symbolic meaning or character.
5. The principles and practice of symbolists in art or literature.
6. When capitlized, a movement of the late 19th century in French art and literature.
7. The use of any of certain special figures or marks of identification to signify a religious message or divine being, as the cross for Christ and the Christian faith.
2. Anyone who interprets or represents conditions or truths by the use of symbols or symbolisms.
3. A writer or artist who uses symbolic language, imagery, and the like to portray ideas, emotions, and attitudes; especially, any of certain French artists or writers in the latter part of the nineteenth century who rejected realism and used symbols to evoke ideas and emotions.
2. A type of defense mechanism in which one idea or object comes to represent another because of the similarity or an association between them.
3. A general mechanism in all human thinking by which some mental representation comes to stand for some other thing, class of things, or an attribute of something.
This mechanism underlies dream formation and some symptoms; such as, conversion reactions, obsessions, and compulsions.
4. In psychoanalysis, an unconscious mental process during which one object, or idea, stands for something else through some part, quality, or aspect that the two share in common, with the symbol carrying the emotional feelings which are in the initial object or idea.