syn-, sy-, sym-, syl-, sys-
(Greek: with, together with; also by extension: united; same, similar; at the same time)
synthetic (adjective), more synthetic, most synthetic
1. Referring to something that is made artificially by chemical synthesis; especially, so as to resemble a natural product: At the clothing store, Nadine bought a nice synthetic leather jacket to match her green dress.
3. A reference to an emotion or action which is not genuine; especially, when expressed but not sincerely felt: Henry made a synthetic statement of sympathy at the loss of his friend's baseball team, but he didn't really mean it.
4. Etymology: from Greek sunthetikos, "constructive, skilled in putting together", from Latin sunthetos, "combined".

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Because Sally couldn't wear synthetic clothes, she looked for outfits made of wool, cotton, linen, or silk.
2. Pertaining to something which has been prepared, or made, artificially: Nylon, for example, is a synthetic fiber which is not made from a natural material; such as, cellulose.3. A reference to an emotion or action which is not genuine; especially, when expressed but not sincerely felt: Henry made a synthetic statement of sympathy at the loss of his friend's baseball team, but he didn't really mean it.
4. Etymology: from Greek sunthetikos, "constructive, skilled in putting together", from Latin sunthetos, "combined".

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systatic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Commendatory; complimentary: After serving as a voluntary helper for the poor, the city wrote Janet a systatic letter full of praise and high regard for all of her support and time she spent for the people in need.
2. Concerning the situation of putting or bringing things or people together: The systatic groups of students was a result of the teacher, Mrs. Smart, who wanted to have her students combine their information and material while working on their projects.
2. Concerning the situation of putting or bringing things or people together: The systatic groups of students was a result of the teacher, Mrs. Smart, who wanted to have her students combine their information and material while working on their projects.
1. Affecting the whole body, as distinct from having a local effect; such as, a systemic infection.
2. In botany, affecting the whole plant which describes a herbicide or other chemical that works by spreading through all the tissues of a plant instead of just staying on the surface.
3. Relating to or affecting a particular body system, especially the nervous system.
A systemic disease; such as, diabetes can affect the whole body.
Systemic chemotherapy employs drugs that travel through the bloodstream and reach and affect cells all over the body.
3. Relating to or affecting a particular body system, especially the nervous system.
1. The time period during which the heart is contracting.
2. The period specifically during which the left ventricle of the heart contracts.
3. The contraction of the chambers of the heart; especially, the ventricles, to drive blood into the aorta and pulmonary arteries.
2. The period specifically during which the left ventricle of the heart contracts.
3. The contraction of the chambers of the heart; especially, the ventricles, to drive blood into the aorta and pulmonary arteries.
1. A reference to the contractions of the heart, during which blood is pumped into the arteries.
2. The phase of blood circulation in which the heart's pumping chambers (ventricles) are actively pumping blood.
2. The phase of blood circulation in which the heart's pumping chambers (ventricles) are actively pumping blood.
The ventricles are squeezing (contracting) forcefully, and the pressure against the walls of the arteries is at its highest.