surg-, sur-
(Latin: to raise, to erect; to rise)
2. Concerning something that sweeps back again: Some fashions are quite resurgent in that the same style of dress, shoes, or long pants appear again in the stores and are quite in vogue.
2. To return from the dead: In the novel Sam was reading, Jonathan, the main character, was resurrected, or brought back to life, by a magician.
3. To restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused condition: After bringing up the old coffee grinder from the basement, and after cleaning it, Roland resurrected it and utilized it again for grinding his coffee in the morning!
4. To bring back into practice, notice, or use: Ted's family sang several Christmas carols in their home after finally resurrecting their old piano to provide the music.

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2. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life: A patient who was being medically treated suddenly died and the resuscitation by the medical staff resulted in her resurrection and reviving so she could go home after additional weeks of recovery at the hospital.
3. The process of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; a revival: The resurrection of some fashions from long ago can return to be quite modern, like black-rimed glasses or tight-fitting jeans.
4. The revival of something old, inactive, or long out of use: The resurrection of an old story prompted former memories of Mike's past when he had lived as a boy on a farm.
2. A reference to a return to life or from a state of death: Jack thought that the resurrectionary likelihood of seeing his father again after he died calmed Jack and gave him hope.
2. A mission flown by a combat military aircraft: A sortie is the flight of a combat plane on a military assignment.
3. An armed attacks: The dangerous sortie was made from a place surrounded by enemy forces.
4. A brief trip away from home: Jack and Jill decided to go on a sortie and experience adventures in an unfamiliar place.
5. Etymology: "attack of the besieged upon the besiegers"; from French sortie; literally, "a going out", noun use of the past participle verb form of sortir, "go out", from Old French, "to go out, to escape"; from Latin surgere, "to rise up" which is from "fountain, stream" and from sub, "up from below" + regere, "to keep straight, to guide".
2. To come out from a defensive position to make an attack: The special forces are currently sortieing terrorist forces in the mountains."
3. To take a short journey to a place where people have not been before, often with a particular purpose: Lynn sortied into the new fitness studio to see what the trainers have to offer.
During Tom's vacation in the national park, he sortied into the various attractive areas that were available there.
Storm surges are said to be the deadliest elements of cyclonic storms.
2. A strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something: The burning brush produced a billowing surge of smoke.
3. A fast, sudden movement: There was a suddenl surged forward in the car when Joe stepped on the gas pedal.
4. The swelling and rolling of the sea: The surge of the ocean crashed against the homes along the beach.
5. In meteorology, a widespread change in atmospheric pressure that is in addition to cyclonic and normal diurnal changes; A storm surge was predicted on the news in the morning.
6. With electricity, a sudden rush or burst of current or voltage; a violent oscillatory disturbance: A power surge at the city's generator produced a sudden blackout in the whole area.
7. An uneven flow and strong momentum given to a fluid: There was a surge of water in the tank resulting in a rapid, temporary rise in pressure.
8. A sudden unplanned change in an electrical system's voltage which is capable of damaging electrical equipment: An example of such a surge would be especially an increase in voltage significantly above the designated level of 120 volts for U.S. household and office wiring, or 220 volts in Europe or in other parts of the world.
9. Etymology: from Latin surgere, "to rise"; a contraction of surrigere, "to rise" from sub-, "up from below" + regere, "to keep straight, to guide".
Electrical surges refer to sudden unplanned changes in an electrical system's voltage that is capable of damaging electrical equipment, especially an increase in voltage significantly above the designated level of 120 volts or 220 volts.
2. To rise, to roll, to move, or to swell forward in or like waves: "The ocean surged against the beach area as the crowd surged back and forth."
3. To rise as if by a heaving or swelling force: "It was obvious that blood surged to his face when he heard the bad news."
4. To increase or to vary suddenly, as an electric current.
5. A sudden fluctuation of voltage as a result of lightning, switching, etc.
6. Etymology: Latin surgere literally meant "to lead up from below"; hence "rise".
It originated as a compound verb formed from the prefix sub-, from below" and regere, "to lead".
The English language acquired it by way of Old Spanish surgir and Old French sourgir, at which time it included meanings associated with watery references of "waves heaving".
Surgere also produced such English words as, resource, resurrection, and source.
A surge suppressor is often used to protect computer systems and other electronic equipment.
This unit is directly related to the regi-, reg-, rec- family of word units.