super-, supra-, sur-
(Latin: above, over; more than, excessive)
Sur- is a variation of super- developed through the French and shouldn't be confused with another assimilated sur- form that comes from sub- and means: "under, below, beneath".
In some words, super- is amplified to mean: "on top of; higher in rank or position than; superior to; greater in quality, amount, or degree than others of its kind".
2. Exceeding or going beyond the purely physical.
3. Not explained by known physical laws; preternatural or supernatural.
2. Power greater in scope or magnitude than that which is considered natural or has previously existed: Perhaps the coronavirus COVID-19 can be considered to be a superpower in that millions of people died because of it all over the world.
3. Power: A superpower can be a mechanical or electric power, on an extremely large scale secured by the linking together of a number of separate power systems, with a view to more efficient and economical generation and distribution.
2. To cause (a vapor) to exceed the normal saturation vapor pressure at a given temperature.
2. An amount of a substance greater than that required for saturation as a result of having been cooled from a higher temperature to a temperature below that at which saturation occurs.
2. To inscribe or mark with writing at the top or on the outside or surface of; put an inscription above or on: "The author was busy trying to superscribe the cover of a text with corrections."
A superscript is a number, figure, or symbol that appears above the normal line of type, at the right or left of another symbol or text.
Superscripts are often used, with various meanings, in formulas, mathematical expressions, or descriptions of chemical compounds and isotopes.
Superscripts can also be used to indicate the presence of a footnote in a document. Some people even submit ordinal endings for numbers which are written as superscripts; such as, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.; instead of, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
2. In pharmacy, the sign (symbol) Rx, meaning "recipe" ("take”), at the beginning of a prescription.
2. To set aside or to cause to be set aside as void, useless, or obsolete, usually in favor of something else: Sam superseded his old car with a new one.
3. To cause to be set aside; especially, to displace someone or something as inferior or too old: The new edition of the scientific publication was set up to supersede its original magazines.
No sooner does a person buy a computer than the company brings out a new one that is superseding it.
4. Etymology: from Latin supersedere, literally, "to sit over or above" or "to sit on top of" something; from super, "above" + sedere, "to sit".
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2. Concerning an individual who shows a strong reaction to a drug, allergen, or other agent: Dr. White tested to see whether his patient would be supersensitive to the flu vaccine which he was going to administer.
2. Capable of moving, or utilizing air currents moving at supersonic speed.
3. Of or relating to sound waves beyond human audibility.
Any speed over the speed of sound, that is approximately 343 miles per second, 1,087 feet per second, 761 miles per hour or 1,225 kilometers per hour in the air or at sea level, is said to be "supersonic".
Speeds greater than five times the speed of sound are sometimes referred to as hypersonic.
2. The study of phenomena produced by the motion of a body through a medium at velocities greater than that of sound.
3. The science or study of supersonic motion or phenomena; it is used with a singular verb: "Supersoncis is her favorite subject of all of the sciences in which she has been engaged."
2. An irrational, credulous, and unfounded belief in dark and unearthly creatures or beings: Greg thought that the ghost stories his sister was reading were based on pure superstition!
3. Etymology: via French from Latin superstition; superstes, "standing over (in awe)"; from super, "over, above" plus stare, "to stand".
Defined by some as, "the unreasoning fear of anything founded on the fear of the unreasoning."
People are likely to fear what is unknown, such as the man who said he wasn't superstitious because he was afraid it might bring him bad luck!
2. Pertaining to or connected with unfounded beliefs: Ivy loved reading superstitious legends because they took her into a fantasy world full of myths and old wives' tales.
Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: epi-; hyper-; ultra-, ult-.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; total-; ultra-; undu-.