stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
1. A collection of sculptures: While on a trip in Italy, Linda sketched the broken bits and pieces of antique statuary in her notebook with a pencil, which she always carried with her.
2. The practice of creating sculptures: In his art class at school, James thought that the art of statuary made from clay was just the thing he wanted to do later as a career.
2. The practice of creating sculptures: In his art class at school, James thought that the art of statuary made from clay was just the thing he wanted to do later as a career.
A carved figure of an animal, person, or of a living creature and usually made of metal or stone: There are many famous statues in the world, and among them are George Washington, the Statue of Liberty, or even the dog called Balto, the brave and courageous husky from the state of Alaska!
statuesque (adjective); more statuesque, most statuesque
Resembling a statue, as in proportion, grace, beauty, or dignity; stately: Ivy remembers her first grade teacher, Mrs. Thompson, as being statuesque because she was attractively tall, well-proportioned and quite imposing.
statuesquely (adverb); more statuesquely, most statuesquely
Descriptive of how a person resembles a statue, sculpture, or figure in a dignified and pleasing way: Mrs. Jones entered the theater in quite a statuesquely way catching the interest of all of those present.
statuette (noun), statuettes (pl)
A small figure, usually of a person: The statuette Mildred had on her window ledge was a very old sculpture of a Roman goddess.
1. The height of a person or the distance from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head in a human body while he or she is standing up: Because of Jason's tall stature, many people thought he was much older than 10 years!
2. A high level of esteem earned by admirable achievement or outstanding development: After completing her newest novel, and having it published, Lynn’s stature and expertise was recognized by other notable authors.

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2. A high level of esteem earned by admirable achievement or outstanding development: After completing her newest novel, and having it published, Lynn’s stature and expertise was recognized by other notable authors.

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1. A rank or a position of someone or something when it is compared to others in a society, organization, group, financial position, etc.: Shirley likes her job with the company and the financial status that is associated with it.
2. The current situation of someone or something: Mary's boss asked for a report about the status of the progress of the project that is being done.

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2. The current situation of someone or something: Mary's boss asked for a report about the status of the progress of the project that is being done.

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The way things are, as opposed to the way they could be; the existing condition of something: James was a rich man and didn't want his status quo, or his present situation, to change at all!

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A written law or act made by the government or other organization: A statute passed by the authorities of a country could be a restriction of people under 16 to drive a car on public roads.
statutory (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to the laws of a country; permissible: There are legitimate and statutory regulations to protect the workers at firms.
staunch (verb), staunches; staunched; staunching
1. To stop the flow of something: The doctor said that it was important to staunch the ruptured blood vessel from bleeding.
The authorities mentioned that the only way to curb or to staunch the flood of illegal drugs into the country was to have check points stationed at all airports and at all the roads at the boarders.
2. To lessen the origin or cause of a leakage: Timothy had to staunch the gush of water by closing off the main valve.
staunch (adjective); stauncher, staunchest
Loyal, firm, and dependable: Jack's parents certainly had staunch views regarding people smoking and didn't allow anyone into their home who was smoking!
1. A time of being in a place, normally as a guest or visitor: The duration of Mildred's stay in hospital depended on what Dr. Black's opinion would be of her condition.
2. To restrain or control: Jack used to get bored at home, but recently he has a new hobby which is a good stay against the dullness he felt before.
3. An order which stops or suspends judicial proceedings: Greg was hoping for a stay of his execution by the governor at the last minute.
4. A thin and narrow strip of plastic, metal, or bone which is needed to stiffen corsets, etc.: The stays in Mary's bodice were damaged in the washing machine, so she couldn't wear it any more.
5. A device used to support something: The rope Sam used as a stay was good for securing and stabilizing the mast on his boat.
2. To restrain or control: Jack used to get bored at home, but recently he has a new hobby which is a good stay against the dullness he felt before.
3. An order which stops or suspends judicial proceedings: Greg was hoping for a stay of his execution by the governor at the last minute.
4. A thin and narrow strip of plastic, metal, or bone which is needed to stiffen corsets, etc.: The stays in Mary's bodice were damaged in the washing machine, so she couldn't wear it any more.
5. A device used to support something: The rope Sam used as a stay was good for securing and stabilizing the mast on his boat.
stay (verb), stays; stayed; staying
1. To remain in the same spot or place: Jill didn't feel well that weekend, so she stayed home instead of going on the weekend camping trip with her friends.
2. To postpone leaving: It was such a nice visit that Grace asked her friend to stay for dinner that evening.
3. To prolong a certain situation or position: Mrs. Smart, Jim's teacher, scolded him for disobeying the rules, and so he decided to stay out of trouble as long as possible!
4. To live somewhere for a short time: While Janet's house was being renovated she stayed with her friend Susan for a few days.
5. To stop or prevent judicial proceedings: Because the two parties finally came to an agreement, the lawsuit was stayed.
2. To postpone leaving: It was such a nice visit that Grace asked her friend to stay for dinner that evening.
3. To prolong a certain situation or position: Mrs. Smart, Jim's teacher, scolded him for disobeying the rules, and so he decided to stay out of trouble as long as possible!
4. To live somewhere for a short time: While Janet's house was being renovated she stayed with her friend Susan for a few days.
5. To stop or prevent judicial proceedings: Because the two parties finally came to an agreement, the lawsuit was stayed.
subsist (verb), subsists; subsisted; subsisting
1. To remain alive, usually at a very low standard of living: With a very minimum wage, Thomas was sure he could still subsist and be able to buy the necessaries he needed for at least a week.
2. To stay in effect or being: Jill was hoping that peace would subsist between the two countries for a long time.
2. To stay in effect or being: Jill was hoping that peace would subsist between the two countries for a long time.
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.