spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective
(Latin: to see, seeing; to look at, looking at; sight, to appear, appearing; to behold, to examine, examining)
conspicuous (adjective), more conspicuous, most conspicuous
1. Easily or clearly visible or very noticeable: People noticed the conspicuous modifications in the redesigned city hall.
2. Attracting attention because of being unusual or remarkable: The real estate agent placed the "For Sale" sign in a very conspicuous position so no one could miss seeing it.
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2. Attracting attention because of being unusual or remarkable: The real estate agent placed the "For Sale" sign in a very conspicuous position so no one could miss seeing it.
The new store in town has been a conspicuous success with more sales than any of the others that are like it.

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conspicuously (adverb), more conspicuously, most conspicuously
A reference to something that is done in a way or a manner to attract attention in a very notable and visual way: "Lucinda was so upset with her mother that she conspicuously slammed the kitchen door which got the attention of the whole family!"
Something that is obvious to see; the state of being easily discernible or noticeable: "The conspicuousness of speed control cameras along streets, roads, and highways should encourage drivers to slow down; especially, since the fines for driving too fast are very high."
A government's actions that are designed to detect, to hinder, or to prevent spying by agents of other countries; especially, enemies: Henry's uncle was involved in counterespionage against Germany in World War II and now some are saying that Germany is probably involved in counterespionage against their U.S. "friends".
despicable (adjective), more despicable, most despicable
A reference to being vile, contemptible, and deserving to be despised: The soldier was considered by those who knew him to be a despicable traitor.

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despicably (adverb), more despicably, most despicably
Descriptive of how an individual is very unpleasant or bad: Billy was behaving despicably in class, so his teacher, Mrs. Smith, informed his parents and arranged for a parent-teacher conference with them to take place the next day.
despise (verb), despises; despised; despising
To dislike and to hate something or someone very much: Although it was despised by the critics, the movie attracted a large audience.

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Jim's father despises all the attention that is given to so many sports programs on TV; especially, on the weekends.

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despite (preposition)
Used to indicate that something is happening or is true, even though there is the possibility that it might be prevented from actually taking place: "Jane ran in the race despite an injury to her leg."
"Bill and Joan are not getting married, despite what their friends have been thinking."
despiteful (adjective), more despiteful, most despiteful
1. Pertaining of someone being malicious, malignant, offensive, or showing ill will and a desire to hurt others: "The news on TV told about a high school student who was planning a despiteful attack on fellow students by using explosives and a gun to kill his parents and fellow classmates at his school; however, he was apprehended by the police because he was revealing his plans on one of the social websites on the internet."
2. Etymology: from Middle English, originally used as a noun, "contempt, scorn" as in the phrase in despite of; from Old French despit; from Latin despectus, "looking down on"
2. Etymology: from Middle English, originally used as a noun, "contempt, scorn" as in the phrase in despite of; from Old French despit; from Latin despectus, "looking down on"
despitefully (adverb), more despitefully, most despitefully
Conveying a bad manner or behavior toward another person or people: "The employee complained that his boss was despitefully using him as the reason for the company's lower income."
A desire to harm another person or people: "Maggie claimed that her criticisms of the book were not based on despitefulness but to point out the misinformation that was being presented by the author."
Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam. (Latin statement)
Translation: "Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight."
Old Testament Bible, Psalm 5:9.
Spoken words or behaviors which show that a person does not think someone or something is of any value or importance: "Sam treated the teacher with disrespect when he was asked to put his cell phone away during class."
"Gerald has indicated all kinds of disrespects for his mother because she refuses to give him money to buy cigarettes."
disrespect (verb), disrespects; disrespected; disrespecting
To do or to say something which indicates a lack of regard or appreciation for someone: "Alice was angry because she felt that she had been disrespected by the clerk in the store when she asked for a different style of shoes."
disrespectable (adjective), more disrespectable, most disrespectable
Descriptive of being unworthy of honor or undeserving of approval: Jill's disrespectable reaction to being defeated during the tennis match resulted in her being banned from participating in the next tournament.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.