spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective

(Latin: to see, seeing; to look at, looking at; sight, to appear, appearing; to behold, to examine, examining)

auspicious (adjective), more auspicious, most auspicious
1. Marked by lucky signs or good omens, and therefore by the promise of success, prosperity, or happiness: It was an auspicious occasion when Jim suddenly found such a good job during the time of high unemployment.
2. Attended by favorable circumstances; propitious: Since the company was making so much money, it seemed to be an auspicious time for Mike to ask for a raise in salary, especially since he was one of the most successful salesmen.
3. Refering to something that promises success; propitious; opportune; favorable: It was an auspicious occasion when Mark's and Mary's twins were born in two separate years. The first one was born one minute before midnight in 2013 and the other one was born one minute after midnight in 2014.
4. Concerning something favored by good fortune and prosperity: Because of her beautiful and unique art work, Madeline experienced more auspicious sales than she had ever experienced before.
5. Descriptive of a good omen or prophetic sign indicating, or suggesting, that future success is possible: It was an auspicious time for Randy's uncle to start his new business because there was a significant demand for the products he was producing.
An auspicious flight of birds.
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Favorable omens came to be known as auspicious while unfavorable signs were considered inauspicious.

In Roman times, an "augur" was a person who foretold the future by observing the birds flying in the sky. "Auspicium" became a divination (fortune telling) which involved watching the birds as they were soaring in the air and came from "auspex", someone who interprets signs from the movements of birds.

A Latin derivative was the verb "inaugurare", to foretell the future from the flight of birds, which was applied to the installation of someone in office after the appropriate omens, or predictions, had been determined.

By the time "inaugurare" reached English, as "inaugurate", the association with the divination of birds had been forgotten.

An ancient Roman priest, or "auspex", was appointed to foretell or to divine the future outcome of an important event by observing how the birds were passing around, listening to their songs, observing the food they ate and sometimes by examining their internal organs.

Later the Roman "auspex" was replaced with the term "augur" as the interpreter-observer of bird signs; his name being derived from the Latin avis, "bird", and garrire, "to talk" or "to explain".

The augur's interpretation, or "augurism", became the English word "augury", an omen (prophecy, prediction), and the Latin "inaugurare", to install an official after consulting the birds, became the word we use to install politicians in office with the hope that their inaugurations will prove to be auspicious instead of consisting of political plots, schemes, and intrigues.

—Partly compiled from information in the Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins,
Revised and Expanded Edition
by Robert Hendrickson;
Facts On File, Inc.; New York; 1997; page 20.
A favorable sign that something will be better.
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Fortunate, good signs.
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auspicious, inauspicious
Auspicious, good signsInauspicious, bad signs

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An auspex interpreted the flight of birds as auspicious for the Romans to begin a new battle; however, he later divined that the birds had shown the situation to be inauspicious.

auspiciously (adverb), more auspiciously, most auspiciously
Concerning a favorable omen, prospect, or result; fortunately, happily: Alfred was a very optimistic person and had prepared everything in detail for his trip. He started auspiciously on his trip to California, convinced that it would be a successful adventure.
auspiciousness (s) (noun) (no pl)
The quality of having a favorable prospect for the future; a promise of success: Andrew was filled with auspiciousness, having had completed studying medicine at the university and receiving excellent grades. He was even offered a position as an assistant doctor at the local hospital.
auspicium (s) (noun), auspicia (pl)
The term for the interpretation and observation of signs or omens: "In Roman times, a high priest was an auspicium who determined the will of the gods as to whether they approved or disapproved of any proposed undertaking or action by Roman officials."
auspicy (s) (noun), auspicies (pl)
The presaging or the predicting of future events that indicate what is supposed to take place: The break in the clouds was an auspicy of better weather.

In school, Ralph found out that in Roman times auspicy was practiced among people to find out how certain political situations were to be decided upon. Romulus and Remus, for example, decided to end their discussion about where to build the city of Rome by checking out how many vultures they saw while sitting on the ground.

bioprospecting (s) (noun), bioprospectings (pl)
A reference to collectors of natural products from various countries in Africa, Asia, etc., for purposes of developing commercial applications; for example, medicinal drugs: "There are new rules for bioprospecting, or biodiversity prospecting, and natural products research; which are derived from three sources: international treaties, national laws, and professional self-regulation."
biospecies (noun) (plural form used as a singular)
1. A biological population of individuals that can breed together: "As far as Barbara understood biospecies, it meant that two animals can mate and conceive offspring; for example, birds, wolves, deer, buffaloes, etc."
2. A species defined primarily on biological characteristics: "An interesting fact of biospecies is that it establishes the likeness of DNA of people, or groups of people. One technique is using genetic fingerprinting."
biospectrometry (s) (noun), biospectrometries (pl)
The use of a device that is used to determine the types and amounts of various substances in living tissues or fluids found in bodies: "The medical laboratory used a biospectrometry in an effort to determine what was causing David's skin disease."
cacospectamania (s) (noun), cacospectamanias (pl)
An obsession to stare at something which is repulsive or vulgar: "After finding some animal protection information leaflet, Duncan couldn't take his eyes off the ugly pictures of animals being mistreated and slaughtered. It was certainly a case of cacospectamiania, being so absolutely engrossed in these pictures."
chronospecies (s) (noun), chronospecies (pl)
A collection of interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups by time: A chronospecies changes physically, genetically, and/or in behavior over time from an early to a later point in time and so they cannot be classified as the same species even if they had already existed at the same point in time.
circumspect (adjective), more circumspect, most circumspect
1. A reference to being watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent actions: Linda behaved in a circumspect way while she was observing the code of conduct during her first visit at the governor’s house.
2. Relating to a something that is seriously considered: Shirley thought about her future after graduating from college with circumspect deliberations.
3. Marked by attention to all situations and probable consequences; being careful and sensible with professional advice: While figuring out her finances, Yvonne was very circumspect not to make a mistake with her investments.
Cautious, discreet, and concerned about consequences.
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Cautious, careful, and attentive to the situation.
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Relating to being wary and on guard.
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circumspection (s) (noun) (usually no plural)
1. An action that involves making careful thoughts and observations before taking an action; using caution; prudence: "The principal at school used circumspection in deciding which of the applicants should have the teaching position for the upcoming year."
2. The trait of being observant and prudent: "Circumspection was typical of Roger because he always thought through each situation before he decided to get involved with it."
3. The ability to know how to avoid embarrassment or distress by thinking about possible risks before doing or saying something: "A good turn of circumspection saved Heather from being embarrassed before she thanked the wrong person for the wonderful invitation that she received to attend the celebration of the international sports event."
circumspectly (adverb), more circumspectly, most circumspectly
Pertaining to being careful and sensible in order to avoid danger: "By moving slowly and circumspectly, the soldier avoided being ambushed."
A soldier must be circumspect or his life could be in danger.

A soldier is circumspectly watching and cautiously striving to see if there is any danger lurking in the forest.

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circumspectness (s) (noun) (usually no plural)
The quality of being cautious; the attribute of being careful before doing something wrong: "Craig definitely needed circumspectness while traveling abroad because he was not acquainted with the foreign currency, the language, nor the customs of the country he was in."

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.