spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective
(Latin: to see, seeing; to look at, looking at; sight, to appear, appearing; to behold, to examine, examining)
Someone who watches or observes a special event, a show, etc.: "Andrew was planning to go to the championship football game tomorrow as a loyal spectator."
"As a result of his injury, Jacob had to be a spectator instead of a participant in the marathon run this weekend."
Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsae.
They come to see, they come that they themselves be seen.
Also, "They wish as much to be seen as to see." A statement made by Ovid in his Ars Amatoria, making it apparent that people have not changed much since Roman times.
1. A possibility of something unpleasant that might exist in the future: Nations are now alarmed by the specter of what might happen as a result of the terrible earthquake and tsunami such as that which took place in Japan.
2. A ghostly presence or apparition or an appearance of a supposed ghost or something ghostly: Janine was always afraid to walk in a cemetery at night because she was afraid that she might see some phantoms, orĀ specters, of people who have returned from the dead.
3. An unpleasant prospect, a threat, or a possibility of something disturbing that is about to happen; especially, one that causes dread or terror: The specter of Sharon's son being harmed, while he was walking home from school during the rain storm, made her rush to meet him with an extra umbrella and to make sure he would get home safely.
4. A mental representation of some haunting experience: When Shirley came back from her walk, she looked as if she had seen a specter, or a spirit, of someone walking out of the graveyard by the church.
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2. A ghostly presence or apparition or an appearance of a supposed ghost or something ghostly: Janine was always afraid to walk in a cemetery at night because she was afraid that she might see some phantoms, orĀ specters, of people who have returned from the dead.
3. An unpleasant prospect, a threat, or a possibility of something disturbing that is about to happen; especially, one that causes dread or terror: The specter of Sharon's son being harmed, while he was walking home from school during the rain storm, made her rush to meet him with an extra umbrella and to make sure he would get home safely.
4. A mental representation of some haunting experience: When Shirley came back from her walk, she looked as if she had seen a specter, or a spirit, of someone walking out of the graveyard by the church.

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A spectroscope (instrument for dispersing light) equipped to photograph or otherwise record spectra (a continuous distribution of colored lights).
1. An image of the sun produced using a narrow wavelength band of the radiation it emits.
2. A photograph of the sun made with a spectroheliograph taken in a narrow wavelength band centered on a selected wavelength.
2. A photograph of the sun made with a spectroheliograph taken in a narrow wavelength band centered on a selected wavelength.
1. An instrument for taking photographs (spectroheliograms) of an image of the sun in monochromatic light or over a narrow band of wavelengths.
2. An apparatus for making photographs of the sun with a monochromatic light to show the details of the sun's surface and surroundings as they would appear if the sun emitted only that light.
2. An apparatus for making photographs of the sun with a monochromatic light to show the details of the sun's surface and surroundings as they would appear if the sun emitted only that light.
An instrument used to directly observe solar radiation or spectrum.
1. An irrational dread of specters, or of phantoms: Even though Celia knew that her anxiety of supernatural beings was irrational, she suffered from spectrophobia, and never went into forests, into empty houses or other dark places!
2. A fear of looking in a mirror at one's own image or seeing the images of others: Mandy avoided having any reflecting surfaces in her home because she disliked perceiving and regarding herself in such looking glasses or other such polished surfaces.
2. A fear of looking in a mirror at one's own image or seeing the images of others: Mandy avoided having any reflecting surfaces in her home because she disliked perceiving and regarding herself in such looking glasses or other such polished surfaces.
spectrophone, spectrophonic
1. A device in which a body of gas may be caused to emit sound waves when illuminated by a periodically interrupted beam of electromagnetic radiation (usually, visible or infra-red).
2. An instrument constructed on the principle of the photophone and used in spectrum analysis as an adjunct to the spectroscope.
3. Spectrophone measurements of the absorption of visible light by aerosols in the atmosphere.
2. An instrument constructed on the principle of the photophone and used in spectrum analysis as an adjunct to the spectroscope.
3. Spectrophone measurements of the absorption of visible light by aerosols in the atmosphere.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.