soma-, som-, somat-, somato-, -soma, -some, -somus, -somia, -somic, -somal, -somite, -somatous, -somatia, -somatic

(Greek: body; mass)

A genus of small oceanic fishes, remarkable for the large conical tubercles which cover the under surface.
Surrounding the outer walls of the body, not the inner organs.
phallosoma, phallosome
A structure of tissue from the inner surface of penis valves in mosquitoes.
The larva of the spiny lobsters.

Its body is very thin, flat, and transparent; while the legs are very long.

pleurosoma, pleurosomatoschisis
The defective development of the body wall in the thoracic and/or abdominal regions, permitting variable eventration of viscera or the protrusion of abdominal viscera (intestines), particularly the intestines, through an open abdominal wall.

It is usually associated with meromelia (congenital absence of part of an arm or leg) on the same side of the body as the defect.

That region of the acarine (lice, ticks) body which has legs.
A reference to somatic nuclei containing replicated chromosomes.
That region of the acarine (lice, ticks) body that has the first and second pairs of legs.
1. The first (anterior) major body section or head plus the abdomen (opisthosoma), which may also include lateral appendages as well as the tail, if it exists.
2. The region near the head of spiders and some related arthropods, composed of fused segments of head and thorax.
3. The anterior or cephalic (head) portion of the body of certain invertebrates; such as, arachnids (spiders), in which segmentation is not evident.
A reference to the head and thorax of an arachnid or spider.
That region of the acarilne (lice, tick) body that consists of the gnathosoma and propodosoma.
Medical treatment of both mind and body.
psychosomatic (adjective)
1. A reference to the influence of the mind or higher functions of the brain (emotions, fears, desires, etc.) upon the functions of the body; especially, in relation to bodily disorders or disease: "Herman psychosomatic condition severely limited his ability to effectively cope with stress and attaining goals, and defensive and self-defeating strategies are repeatedly used without success, leading to frustration and constant emotional arousal of the autonomic nervous system, which produces internal bodily changes, leading to the breakdown of some organ systems."
2. Applications of the relationships between minds and bodies and in particular the psychological and emotional contributors to physical disorders; such as, a peptic ulcer, asthma, hypertension, or migraine: "Polly's psychosomatic disorder is caused by, or is notably influenced by, emotional factors that involves both her mind and her body."
A specialist in psychosomatic (mind and body) disorders.
1. A submicroscopic cluster of proteins and RNA, occurring in great numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells, which takes part in the manufacture of proteins.
2. A tiny, somewhat mitten-shaped organelle occurring in great numbers in the cell cytoplasm either freely, in small clusters, or attached to the outer surfaces of endoplasmic reticula, and functioning as the site of protein development.

This is the cell's essential protein factory; that is, a tiny particulate structure located in the cytoplasm of the cell (outside the nucleus), the ribosome is composed of two subunits, one larger than the other. Both subunits were believed to contain both RNA and protein but this is not the full story.

Molecular maps of the ribosome have revealed startling details about its structure that boost support for an "RNA world" as the model for the origin of life Earth.

Although the ribosome consists of both ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein, the "active site" on the large unit of the ribosome; that is, the site of the chemical reaction that changes genetic information into the beginnings of a protein which contains only rRNA.

This suggests that the ribosome is actually a ribozyme, an RNA molecule that can catalyze its chemical reactions.

—Compiled from excerpts found in
MedicineNet, Inc. and Webster's New World Medical Dictionary,
Third Edition; Wiley Publishing, Inc.; Hoboken, New Jersey; 2008.