
(Latin: weapon; implement of war)

Don't confuse this element with another English "arm", meaning "upper limb" of the body.

arm (s), arms (pl)
1. One of the two long parts or limbs attached to the shoulder of the human body with a hand at each end.
2. The part of a piece of clothing that covers the arm.
3. A side piece of a chair or sofa, designed to support the arms of anyone sitting in it.
4. The part of an animal's body that is similar to the human arm.
5. A flexible limb in an invertebrate animal; such as, an octopus.
6. A long thin part that is projecting from something larger; for example, an arm of the sea.
7. A branch of an organization, a section of the armed forces; for example, the military has a combat arm.
arm, arms, arming, armed (verb forms)
1. To equip a person or a country with weapons: "They armed the troops with new weapons."
2. To prepare a weapon so that it is ready to use in a military action, as by releasing a safety device.
3. To provide someone with the information or equipment needed to accomplish something: "She was armed with all of the information she will need to complete the report."
armamentarium (s) (noun); armamentariums, armamentaria (pl)
The complete assemblage of equipment necessary for a task: "The medical students visited the medical museum and saw the armamentarium used by doctors from a previous century."
armipotent (adjective), more armipotent, most armipotent
In a military sense, powerful or strong in the arms of war: The opponent seemed to be mighty in battle, or very armipotent.
armistice (s) (noun), armistices (pl)
1. A formal agreement to temporarily end military fighting by mutual consent; a truce: For the holiday the opponents decided on an armistice and both sides wanted peace talks in hopes of ending the conflict.
2. Etymology: from French armistice, coined on the model of Latin solstitium, from Latin arma, "arms" + -stitium which is from Latin sistere, "to cause to stand, to come to a stop, to make stand still".