sepsi-, sep-, septi-, septico-, septo-, -sepsis, -septic, -septicemia, -septicemic

(Greek: decay, rot, putrefactive)

septicemic, septicaemic (adjective); more septicemic, more septicaemic; most septicemic, most septicaemic
Pertaining to or characterized by a morbific condition in the blood stream: Dr. Tweed and Dr. Hillman in the Emergency Ward thought Jenny had a very serious septicemic condition and so she needed immediate treatment.
septicine (s) (noun), septicines (pl)
An alkaloid or a large group of chemicals that are formed by plants and have nitrogen in them which is developed by putrefaction during decompositions of proteins: Many septicines include cocaine, nicotine, strychnine, caffeine, morphine, pilocarpine, atropine, methamphetamine, mescaline, ephedrine, and tryptamine.
septicity (s) (noun), septicities (pl)
1. The quality or condition of having a blood toxemia or poisoning: Allison was astonished that she developed septicity from a little scratch on her finger.
2. A substance that promotes disintegration: To speed up the process of decomposition in the septic tank, Mr. Evans, the engineer, added a scientific mixture of septicities or substances that promote decaying which is developed by bacterial or fungal actions.
septicophlebitis (s) (noun), septicophlebitides (pl)
Inflammation of blood veins resulting from bacterial contamination: Lisa wore specially designed stockings to ease the discomfort of the septicophlebitis in her legs.
septicopyemia (s) (noun), septicopyemias (pl)
A blood malady or condition that is accompanied by multiple abscesses and secondary toxemic symptoms caused by pus-forming germs: Tim appeared to have developed septicopyemia in his legs as evidenced by the numerous areas of the fluids resulting from the inflamed tissues that were visible.
septicopyemic (adjective), more septicopyemic, most septicopyemic
Pertaining to the degree of a blood affliction involving multiple pus-inflamed tissue and secondary toxemic (blood poisoning) symptoms, caused by pus-forming microorganisms: As the most septicopyemic patient admitted to the hospital, Ralph had to have more treatments than usual.
septineuritis (s) (noun), septineuritides (pl)
1. A disturbed function of the nerves or nervous system as a result of a blood ailment which may be painful and may cause the shrinking or atrophy of specific muscles: Hanson spent many hours lying quietly in bed because of the septineuritis which affected his lower legs.
2. A generalized, diffuse neuritis of the entire nervous system due to the multiplication and migration of viruses in nervous tissue; for example, that which may occur with rabies: Realizing the dog had bitten her, Martha rushed to the hospital emergency to get a tetanus shot because she was fearful of being infected with septineuritis.
septophobia (s) (noun), septophobias (pl)
1. An excessive fear of decaying matter: Septophobia refers to the anxieties that some people have about being in contact with dirt, impurity, pollution, and disease-producing substances.
2. Etymology: from Greek sep, "decay" + phobia."fear".
septopyemia (s) (noun), septopyemias (pl)
A contamination with pus in the bloodstream: Roger was diagnosed with a rare form of septopyemia which required antibiotics and a blood transfusion.
traumatosepsis (s) (noun), traumatosepses (pl)
Infection of a wound: In the jousting exhibition, Jonathan was accidentally injured and developed traumatosepsis.
typhosepsis, typhoid septicemia (s) (noun); typhosepses, typhoid septicemias (pl)
An ailment that develops and affects the blood as the result of exposure to or contact with sewage or other waste: Shirley contracted typhosepsis when she was traveling in an area where there was poor sewage control or treatment.

Someone told her that the ailment of typhosepsis is also known as typhoid septicemia.

urosepsis (s) (noun), urosepses (pl)
1. A syndrome characterized by fever, chills, hypotension, and occasionally an altered mental status, resulting from an invasion from the urinary tract to the bloodstream by microbes or their products: Based on the spectrum of symptoms, Dr. Sneed determined Frank was suffering from urosepsis and requested special tests to review his urinary tract to detect possible malfunctions.
2. Systematic toxicity from the decomposition of extravasated urine or the passing of body fluid, or urine, from its proper place after a vessel rupture: George developed a high fever resulting from the urosepsis which he acquired and so he was in need of special treatment at the hospital.
uroseptic (adjective), more uroseptic, most uroseptic
Pertaining to or marked by toxemia, or poisoning, in the blood stream caused by a leakage of body waste: A uroseptic condition can result from urine passing out of its normal way into the blood and surrounding tissues after a rupture of a vessel from the bladder.

Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).