semeio-, sema-, semato-, semat-, semasio-, semio-, -semic, -semia

(Greek: signal, signals; sign, signs; mark, marks; symbol, symbols)

To send (a message) or to signal by semaphore.
Someone who manages or operates a semaphore.
Someone who studies the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning, changes in meaning, and the principles that govern the relationship between sentences, images, or words and their meanings.
1. The study or science of meaning in language.
2. In linguistics, the study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent.
Arrangement of semaphylls (petals, sepals, tepals); primarily, pollinator attracting in function.
1. A reference to bright colorings on animals that act as a warning to predators; for example, because the animals are poisonous.
2. Serving as a sign or warning of danger, as the conspicuous colors or markings of certain poisonous animals.
sematography, sematographic
The use of symbols other than letters in writing.
1. The doctrine of signs as the expression of thoughts or reasoning.
2. The science of indicating thoughts by signs.
3. The theory of the use of signs; especially, words, in their relation to knowledge and cognition.
1. An instrument for signaling by reflecting the rays of the sun in different directions.
2. The adaptation of the heliotrope for the purpose of transmitting military signals in day light by means of grouping and the number of flashes presented.
semeiography, semeiograph, semeiographic, semiography, semiograph
1. A description of the signs of disease or a written system of symbolic notations.
2. The doctrine of signs; as in, pathology, a description of the marks or symptoms of diseases.
semeiology, semiology
The study of signs and symbols and their uses or interpretations.
A reference term related to a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols that deals with their functions in both artificially constructed and natural languages and includes syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics.
The general philosophical theory of signs and symbols in communication, which has three branches: syntactics (formal relations between signs), semantics (how symbols may be combined independently of their meanings), and pragmatics (relations between signs and their users).
A descriptive term for or a reference to signs or symbols; for example, as they are used in speech or writing.
A reference to the disordered or confused use of symbols.