(Latin: aside, apart from, without, by itself, by one's self)
securely (adverb), more securely, most securely
1. In a manner free from danger: The mother securely held her child in her arms during the storm.
2. In a confident and unselfconscious manner: Shirley acts very securely in front of the camera.
3. In a manner free from fear or risk.
4. In an invulnerable manner: The agreed line was to involve at several points the withdrawal of the military troops from positions which they had securely held for a long time.
2. In a confident and unselfconscious manner: Shirley acts very securely in front of the camera.
3. In a manner free from fear or risk.
4. In an invulnerable manner: The agreed line was to involve at several points the withdrawal of the military troops from positions which they had securely held for a long time.
1. The state or feeling of being safe and protected.
2. The assurance that something of value will not be taken away; such as, job security.
3. Something that provides a sense of protection against loss, attack, or harm: Jim and Mary had the security of knowing that their car was thoroughly checked before departing on their trip.
4. Protection against attack from another country or subversion from within; such as, being a matter of national security.
5. Precautions taken to keep someone, or something, safe from crime, attack, or danger: Mike and his neighbors took strong measures of security to protect their property from burglars.
6. Guards, people, or an organization entrusted with the job of protecting people or something; especially, a building or institution, against crime.
2. The assurance that something of value will not be taken away; such as, job security.
3. Something that provides a sense of protection against loss, attack, or harm: Jim and Mary had the security of knowing that their car was thoroughly checked before departing on their trip.
4. Protection against attack from another country or subversion from within; such as, being a matter of national security.
5. Precautions taken to keep someone, or something, safe from crime, attack, or danger: Mike and his neighbors took strong measures of security to protect their property from burglars.
6. Guards, people, or an organization entrusted with the job of protecting people or something; especially, a building or institution, against crime.
1. An organized insurrection, rebellion, or an incitement against a government: Mike's brother was arrested and charged with sedition because he wrote something that urged people to rebel against the political leadership of their country.
2. Etymology: from Old French sedicion; from Latin seditionem, seditio, "civil disorder, dissention"; literally, "a going apart, a separation"; from sed-, "apart" + itio "a going"; from ire, "to go".
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2. Etymology: from Old French sedicion; from Latin seditionem, seditio, "civil disorder, dissention"; literally, "a going apart, a separation"; from sed-, "apart" + itio "a going"; from ire, "to go".

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A person who conducts or incites a rebellion against the authority of an established government.
seduce (verb), seduces; seduced; seducing
1. To lead (a person) astray in conduct or belief; to draw away from the right or intended course of action to or into a wrong one; to tempt, to entice, or to beguile someone to do something wrong, foolish, or unintended.
2. Attract, win over, persuade, overcome resistance: "The homeless dog seduced us by whimpering and wagging its tail." 3. To induce (a woman) to surrender her chastity.
3. To lead astray from proper conduct, responsibility, loyalty, etc.
4. To entice someone to participate in sexual intercourse when not married; especially, for the first time.
2. Attract, win over, persuade, overcome resistance: "The homeless dog seduced us by whimpering and wagging its tail." 3. To induce (a woman) to surrender her chastity.
3. To lead astray from proper conduct, responsibility, loyalty, etc.
4. To entice someone to participate in sexual intercourse when not married; especially, for the first time.
1. Allurement to take some course of action.
2. The action or an act of seducing (a person) to do the misbehave.
3. The persuading (of a person, soldier, etc.) to desert his or her allegiance to something or someone; such as, the military service.
2. The action or an act of seducing (a person) to do the misbehave.
3. The persuading (of a person, soldier, etc.) to desert his or her allegiance to something or someone; such as, the military service.
1. The quality of being constantly diligent and attentive.
2. Dedication and diligence.
2. Dedication and diligence.
sedulous (adjective), more sedulous, most sedulous
1. Characterized by being persevering and constant in an effort to accomplish a goal or an objective: The sedulous economists were in search of all of the latest facts and figures regarding what to expect in the current monetary conditions.
2. Etymology: borrowed from Latin sedulus, "attentive, painstaking"; probably evolved from the adverb sedulo, "sincerely, diligently"; representing an earlier Latin se dolo. "without deception or guile"; from se. "without" + dolo, dolus, "deception, guile" + suffix -ous, "having much, full of".

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2. Etymology: borrowed from Latin sedulus, "attentive, painstaking"; probably evolved from the adverb sedulo, "sincerely, diligently"; representing an earlier Latin se dolo. "without deception or guile"; from se. "without" + dolo, dolus, "deception, guile" + suffix -ous, "having much, full of".

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Characterized by applying a constant and an enduring effort to a task or course of action.
segregate (verb), segregates; segregated; segregating
1. To separate from others or to set aside from a main body or association: It is considered wrong to segregate disabled people from the rest of society.
During apple harvests, damaged fruit is segregated from the main crop and used for making cider.
2. To impose the isolation of a race or class from the rest of society: Historically, lepers were commonly segregated from the rest of the population because they were thought to be highly infectious, so those who were not contaminated with leprosy segregated the lepers into places away from the other inhabitants.
An action or situation of disengaging people or things away from other people or things: The school had set up an academic segregation of pupils with learning problems so they could have more appropriate curricula to meet their learning needs.
select (verb), selects; selected; selecting
1. To choose someone or something from among several.
2. Chosen on the basis of some particularly high quality.
3. To pick out or to choose from a number of alternative choices.
4. Etymology: from Latin selectus, seligere, "choose out, select"; from se-, "apart" + legere, "to gather, to select".
2. Chosen on the basis of some particularly high quality.
3. To pick out or to choose from a number of alternative choices.
4. Etymology: from Latin selectus, seligere, "choose out, select"; from se-, "apart" + legere, "to gather, to select".
1. An act of choosing someone or something from a wide variety of others: "Selections that result because they are regarded with special favor or liking."
2. A carefully chosen or representative collection of people or things: "A selection of things chosen or the offerings to be chosen from among other similar items."
3. A natural or artificial process that favors or induces survival and perpetuation of one kind of organism over others that die or fail to produce offspring: "A distinct selection of a plant, sexual or asexual in origin, selected and propagated for monetary reasons or beauty."
2. A carefully chosen or representative collection of people or things: "A selection of things chosen or the offerings to be chosen from among other similar items."
3. A natural or artificial process that favors or induces survival and perpetuation of one kind of organism over others that die or fail to produce offspring: "A distinct selection of a plant, sexual or asexual in origin, selected and propagated for monetary reasons or beauty."
separate (verb), separates; separated; separating