cryoscope, kryoscope
(s) (noun); cryoscopes; kryoscopes
An instrument for measuring the freezing point: A cryoscope can be used to assess the exact point of freezing, either of a liquid or of of the melting point of a solid.
cryoscopy, kryoscopy
(s) (noun); cryoscopies; kryoscopies
The assessment of the point of freezing of a liquid by using a cryoscope; algoscopy: A
cryoscopy is the determination of the freezing point of a fluid, usually blood or urine, compared with that of distilled water.
A cryoscopy can also be explained as the examination of liquids, based on the principle that the freezing point of solutions varies according to the amount and the nature of the substance contained in them in solution.
The desire to secretly look through windows of homes as one passes by.
cymoscope (s), cymoscopes (pl) (noun forms)
A device for detecting the presence of electric waves: "The influence of electric waves on the resistance of a particular kind of electric circuit, on the magnetization of steel, on the polarization of an electrolytic cell, or on the electric condition of a vacuum has been applied in the various cymoscopes."
cystochromoscopy, chromocystoscopy
Examination of the interior of the bladder after administration of a colored dye to aid in the identification or study of the function of the ureteral orifices.
1. A narrow tubular instrument that is passed through the urethra to examine the interior of the urethra and the urinary bladder.
2.The cystoscope has lenses similar to a telescope or a microscope.
These lenses make it possible for the doctor to focus on the inner surfaces of the urinary tract.
Some cystoscopes use optical fibers (flexible glass fibers) that carry an image from the tip of the instrument to a viewing piece at the other end.
The cystoscope is as thin as a pencil and has a light at the tip and many cystoscopes have extra tubes to guide other instruments for procedures to treat urinary problems.
cystoscopic ulcer
Ulcer resulting from injury to the urinary bladder by use of the cystoscope.
A procedure in which the doctor inserts a lighted instrument called a cystoscope into the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body) in order to look inside the urethra and bladder.
cytoscopy, cytodiagnosis
The diagnostic study of cells obtained from patient specimens with the aid of microscopes and other laboratory equipment.
Someone who specializes in the identification by comparison of fingerprints; and also, who deals with the classifications of fingerprints.
1. The use of fingerprint impressions for purposes of identification.
2. The technique of comparing fingerprints, typically those found at the setting of a crime and those of a suspect.
Due to the uniqueness of the fingers' and hands' papillar lines, it is generally considered a reliable method of identifying a person.
1. Second sight.
2. That which is seen at a second view; a meaning beyond the literal sense; the second intention; a hidden signification.
(s) (noun); diaphanoscopes
1. A dark box constructed for viewing transparent pictures, with or without a lens.
2. An instrument for the transillumination of a body cavity or the passage of strong light through a body structure, to permit inspection by an observer on the opposite side.
A reference to a system whereby an instrument for illuminating a body cavity with transillumination is utilized.
(s) (noun), diaphanoscopies
A transillumination or the passage of light through body tissues for the purpose of medical examination which involves the object or part under examination being interposed between the observer and the light source.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look":
vela-, veal-;
video-, visuo-.