scopo-, scop-, scept-, skept-, -scope-, -scopy, -scopia, -scopic, -scopist

(Greek > Latin: see, view, sight, look, look at, examine, behold, consider)

A tubular instrument, combining a light system and a telescopic system, used in the visualization of the interior larynx and adaptable for diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical procedures.
A specialist in laryngoscopy.
laryngoscopy, direct laryngoscopy
Examination of the interior of the larynx, especially that which is performed with the laryngoscope.
Endoscopic examination of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
A combination of laryngoscopy and tracheoscopy.
1. An optical instrument used to determine the thickness of plasma membranes.
2. An apparatus for measuring cell membranes.
3. An optical instrument used to measure the thickness of a thin film; such as, the plasma membrane.
leukoscope, leucoscope (s) (noun); leukoscopes; leucoscopes (pl)
An instrument devised for testing the color perception of the eyes: A leukoscope can be use for comparing different lights as to their constituent colors or their relative whiteness.

A leukoscope is a tool for testing the eyes to determine the ability to distinguish variations in colors or the intensity of lights.

An instrument for measuring the threshold intensity at which visual stimuli can be perceived.
lithotriptoscopy (s) (noun), lithotriptoscopies (pl)
A kind of surgical procedure in which bladder stones are comminuted and flushed out by seeing them clearly with the device that is being used: Ted's doctor arranged for him to have a lithotriptoscopy to get rid of the renal calculus that was causing so much pain in his kidney.
macroscopic, macroscopically
1. Large enough to be perceived or examined by the unaided eye or something which can be examined without the aid of magnifying equipment.
2. Relating to or concerned with large units that can be easily seen.
The study or observation of objects which are large enough to be seen with normal vision and without the need of any magnifying equipment for the eyes.
magniscope (s) (noun), magniscopes (pl)
A portable, hand-held microscope: A magniscope is especially helpful for classroom or outdoor use and some are advertised as having a battery-powered light source, a one-hand operation of focus and light with a removable base and equipment storage compartment, and it can be used as a monocular, loupe, or simple magnifier.
manometry, manoscopy (s) (noun), manometries, manoscopies (pl)
1. Measurement of the pressure of gases or fluids by means of a manometer.
2. The measurement of pressure using a device called a manometer.
manoptoscope (s) (noun), manoptoscopes (pl)
1. An apparatus for detecting ocular dominance (preferential use of one eye over the other in vision).
2. An instrument in the shape of a hollow cone with an opening at its apex, used for determining ocular dominance by sighting with both eyes toward the apex.
manoscopy (s) (noun), manoscopies (pl)
The measurement of the density, pressure, or tension of gases or liquids.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; spec-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.