scopo-, scop-, scept-, skept-, -scope-, -scopy, -scopia, -scopic, -scopist

(Greek > Latin: see, view, sight, look, look at, examine, behold, consider)

abdominoscopic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the external diagnostic examination of the abdomen by physical methods, and internally by endoscopic methods: An abdominoscopic suture needle was required to sew up the wound following the main part of the operation.
abdominoscopy (s) (noun) (no pl)
An examination of the abdominal cavity and its contents: When Gregory was in hospital an abdominoscopy was performed using an endoscope to detect a possible disease in the stomach region.

The abdominoscopy is a direct examination of the abdominal organs by endoscopy, peritoneoscopy, or laparoscopy, which is an optical instrument that uses a single puncture allowing the examination of the organs of the abdominal cavity and peritoneum within the limits defined by the length of the optical system.

acoustic microscope (s) (noun), acoustic microscopes (pl)
A device in which the object being studied is scanned with sound waves and its image is reconstructed with light waves: In the field of medical surgery, the development of the acoustic microscope was praised as a break through innovation for noninvasive exploratory surgery.
acroscopic (adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, referring to a part of a plant facing upwards towards the apex (tip) of the axis on which something is borne or carried: Mr. Root, the biology teacher, told his students to go out and take photos of acroscopic leaves or branches to show the class the next day.
actinoscopy (s) (noun) (no pl)
In radiology, a former term for fluoroscopy or an X-ray machine: The obsolete word actinoscopy refers to the instrument that combines X-ray images on a fluorescent screen to enable direct observation.
aerobioscope (s) (noun), aerobioscopes (pl)
An apparatus for collecting and determining the bacterial content in a sample of air: As an agrobiologist, Mary's father had to use an aerobioscope in his lab for doing research on bacteria that he collected from the air.
aerocystoscope (s) (noun), aerocystoscopes (pl)
Aerourethoscope: An aerocystoscope is an instrument that is used for examining a bladder that has been expanded by air.
aerocystoscopy (s) (noun), aerocystoscopies (pl)
Examination of the bladder after a distention with air: Since Jill had pains in her bladder, Dr. Black suggestions that an aerocystoscopy, using an aerourethroscope, be performed in order to find out what the ailment was.
aeroscope, aeroscloscope (s) (noun); aeroscopes; aeroscloscopes (pl)
An apparatus for gathering bacteria, dust, etc. from the air: An auroscope is a device which is used for microscopic examination after collecting bacteria from the air.

An auroscope is an instrument, usually electronic, used to count microscopic dust and other suspended matter in the air for purposes of analysis.

The differences in intensity of the light reflected from each particle facilitates the identification of the pieces of dust.

aeroscopy (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. In meteorology, the measurement of the optical properties of air: Aeroscopy is a rare term for the scientific investigation of air for the different compositions and properties of dust or other suspended matter.
2. In zoology, the observation and detection of the conditions in the atmosphere: Insects, and even snails, have the instinctive ability of aeroscopy that aids them in surviving.
aerourethroscope (s) (noun), aerourethroscopes (pl)
An apparatus for visual examination of the urethra after dilatation by air: An aerourethroscope distends theurethra, the tube through which urine passes through to the outside of the body, with air and is performed for medical inspection.
aerourethroscopy (s) (noun), aerourethroscopies (pl)
Visual examination of the urethra when distended with air: After Dr. Thompson used his aerourethroscope, he studied optically the aerourethroscopy to determine Tom's disorder.
agglutinoscope (s) (noun), agglutinoscopes (pl)
Obsolete term for a magnifying glass or a simple system of lenses used to observe agglutination: Professor Smart used an agglutinoscope for viewing agglutination in vitro, or outside the organism itself.
albumoscope (s) (noun), albumoscopes (pl)
An device used for detecting and estimating the amount of albumin (main protein in human blood) in the urine: In her medical class, Grace used a glass albumoscope to assess the quantity of the water-soluble proteins in the patients urine.
An instrument for viewing pictures by means of a lens, so as to give the objects a natural or realistic appearance.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; spec-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.