sanct-, sancti-

(Latin: sacred, holy; religious)

acta sanctorum (Latin phrase)
Translation: "Deeds of the saints."

The acta sanctorum involves the lives of the Christian martyrs and saints that are used in teaching the faith.

Memento ut diem sabbati sanctifices. Sex diebus operaberis, et facies omnia opera tua. Septimo autem die sabbatum Domini Dei tui est.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.

As written in the Old Testament of the Bible, Exodus: xx, 8-10 (c. 700 B.C.). Also see Deuteronomy: v, 12.

sacrosanct (adjective), more sacrosanct, most sacrosanct
1. Too important and respected to be changed, criticized, or tampered with: The army general's sacrosanct order was not challenged.
2. Consecrated, divine, and being of religious significance: The burial grounds behind the church were considered to be sacrosanct.

The sacrosanct symbol of the Christian cross has existed for centuries.

sacrosanctity (s) (noun), sacrosanctities (pl)
1. That which is protected or most holy, inviolate, protected: Mike's supervisor emphasized the sacrosanctity of scheduled time off from the job in order to prevent professional burnout.
2. Treated as if holy or immune from criticism or violation: The elderly poet was treated with a sacrosanctity by her fellow poets who praised her for her creative talents.
sancta simplicitas (Latin term)
Literally, "holy simplicity", an expression of astonishment at another person's naivety or naïvety (simple mindedness).

These are said to have been the dying words of John Huss (1373-1415), Bohemian religious reformer and martyr, provoked by the sight of a simple peasant adding wood to the fire around the stake where Huss was being martyred or burned to death for his religious beliefs.

sanctanimity (s) (noun), sanctanimities (pl)
A holiness of the mind: Little Mary seemed to live in a world of her own, believing only the good in people, and her parents wondered about this sanctanimity and talked to their reverend at their church about it.
Sancte et sapienter.
With holiness and wisdom.

Motto of King's College School, London, U.K.

sanctifiable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Capable of being made holy; subject to being set apart as sacred; able to be consecrated: As the church was repaired the beginning of the 18th century, it was sanctifiable again later on in 1728.
2. Deserving to be purified or freed from sin: When they went to church they felt that their wrongdoings were sancitifiable after praying and talking to the priest.
1. To sanctify or to render legitimate or binding; such as, to sanctify a vow. 2. To entitle to reverence or respect.
1. In theology, the action of the Holy Spirit in sanctifying or making holy the believer, by the implanting within him of the Christian graces and the destruction of sinful affections.
2. The action of consecrating or setting apart as holy or for a sacred use or purpose; hallowing (rendering holy by means of religious rites).
sanctified (adjective)
1. Reference to a person who is made holy, endowed with saintly character; specifically, made holy by the divine grace of the Holy Spirit.
2. Affecting holiness; sanctimonious.
3. Of things, holy or consecrated; rendered spiritually profitable.
4. Of ground, buildings, etc. that are consecrated or hallowed; that is, setting apart for sacred purposes; consecrating; devoting to religious exercises.
In theology, someone who sanctifies or makes holy; specifically, the Holy Spirit.
sanctify (verb), sanctifies; sanctified; sanctifying
1. To set apart religiously for an office or function; to consecrate (a king, etc.).
2. To honor as holy; to ascribe holiness to.
3. To manifest (God, his might, etc.) as holy.
4. To consecrate (a thing); to set apart as holy or sacred.
5. To keep (a day, etc.) holy; to keep or to observe as holy.
6. To make (a person) holy, to purify or free from sin; to cause to undergo sanctification.
7. Chiefly in the Old Testament, to free from ceremonial impurity.
8. To render holy, impart sanctity to (a thing, quality, action or condition); to render legitimate or binding by a religious sanction.
sanctilogy, sanctology
A catalog or list or enumeration of the names of saints, or a collection of saints' lives

Related "holy, sacred" word families: hagio-; hiero-; icono-; sacro-.