rostr-, rostro-, rostri- +

(Latin: beak)

Having a slender beak.
Having the beak bent upwards.
Long-legged shorebirds.
Having the form, or shape, of a beak.
A little rostrum, or beak, as of an insect.
1. A beak-like, or a beak-shaped part, of an organism projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects; such as, weevils.
2. A platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it.
3. The beak-shaped prow of an ancient Roman ship, especially a war galley.
4. Etymology: from Latin rostrum, name of the platform stand for public speakers in the Forum in ancient Rome.

It was decorated with the beaks of ships taken in the first naval victory of the Roman republic, over Antium, in 338 B.C., and the word's older sense is "end of a ship's prow"; literally, "beak, muzzle, snout"; originally, "means of gnawing" instrument, a noun form of rodere "to gnaw".

tenuirostral, tenuirostres
Thin-billed; applied to birds with a slender bill; such as, humming birds.