rog-, roga-, -rogate, -rogation, -rogatory
(Latin: ask, inquire, request, beg; propose)
supererogate (verb), supererogates; supererogated; supererogating
To perform or to produce more than is required, ordered, or expected: When Helena's colleague couldn't complete the work which was assigned to him, she supererogated her assignment in order to help Roy get his work done, too.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The performance of work above and beyond what is required or expected: Jim spent a supererogation of over-time work for the project he was supposed to complete in a shorter period.
2. An excess or overabundance, a profusion, or a surplus: If Jeff keeps saying that supererogation so often, there are those who believe that he should have a gag placed in his mouth.
2. An excess or overabundance, a profusion, or a surplus: If Jeff keeps saying that supererogation so often, there are those who believe that he should have a gag placed in his mouth.
James contributed some of his supererogation to the food bank to help the poor families in town. 3. Etymology: from Latin super, "above, over" + erogare, "pay out"; from ex-, "out" + rogare, "to ask, to request".
supererogatory (adjective), more supererogatory, most supererogatory
Referring to something that is performed to an extent beyond what is required or expected: Since Jason was going on vacation, he did some supererogatory work so the financial statements would reach the customers at the usual time.

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Go to this Word A Day Revisited Index
so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. Someone who takes the place of another person: James could not attend the business meeting, so he sent his surrogate.
2. A person appointed to represent or to act on behalf of others: Mike was appointed as the surrogate for his brother in the youth court.
3. Anyone who provides or receives nurture, or parental care, even though when not related by blood or legal ties: Mildred's foster father was a genuine surrogate to her when she was very young.
4. A judge who probates wills and settles estates: Mr. Nelson, the surrogate, worked with the lawyers to sort out the issues of the rich man's estate.
5. In psychology, a substitute authoritative figure; or a respected person who replaces a lost or nonexistent parent in someone's subconscious; such as, a teacher or an older sibling: During counseling, Peter realized that he had thought of his grade seven teacher as a surrogate when he was worried and needed to confide his frustrations to someone other than his father or mother.
6. Etymology: from Latin surrogatus, past participle of surrogare "to put in another's place, a substitute"; from sub, "in the place of, under" + rogare "to ask, to propose".
2. A person appointed to represent or to act on behalf of others: Mike was appointed as the surrogate for his brother in the youth court.
3. Anyone who provides or receives nurture, or parental care, even though when not related by blood or legal ties: Mildred's foster father was a genuine surrogate to her when she was very young.
4. A judge who probates wills and settles estates: Mr. Nelson, the surrogate, worked with the lawyers to sort out the issues of the rich man's estate.
5. In psychology, a substitute authoritative figure; or a respected person who replaces a lost or nonexistent parent in someone's subconscious; such as, a teacher or an older sibling: During counseling, Peter realized that he had thought of his grade seven teacher as a surrogate when he was worried and needed to confide his frustrations to someone other than his father or mother.
6. Etymology: from Latin surrogatus, past participle of surrogare "to put in another's place, a substitute"; from sub, "in the place of, under" + rogare "to ask, to propose".
surrogate (adjective), more surrogate, most surrogate
Relating to or acting as a substitute: After the death of the teenager's biological parents in a car accident, Elizabeth considered the couple who took care of her as her surrogate family.
When Roy was in the military service, his sister and brother-in-law served as his children's surrogate parents because their mother had died of cancer.
1. A woman who bears a child for another person, often for pay, either through artificial insemination or by carrying until birth another woman's surgically implanted fertilized egg: Recently on TV, there was a woman in California who was hired to be a surrogate mother for a Chinese couple.
2. One that acts as, serves as, or is a substitute mother: When little Tom's parents were killed in an automobile accident, his aunt who was taking care of him at the time became his surrogate mother.
2. One that acts as, serves as, or is a substitute mother: When little Tom's parents were killed in an automobile accident, his aunt who was taking care of him at the time became his surrogate mother.