roentgeno-, roentgen- +

(German: radiation, "x-ray"; X-ray; 1896, translation of German X-strahl, from X, "algebraic symbol for an unknown quantity", + Strahl, "beam, ray")

So called after its discoverer, a German physicist, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen [1845-1923], who discovered roentgen rays [x-rays] in 1895; winner of the Nobel prize in physics in 1901.

bioroentgenography (s) (noun), bioroentgenographies (pl)
An obsolete or out dated term for the making of x-ray pictures of objects in motion.
Radiography of an organ in motion; such as, the heart, the gastrointestinal tract, etc.
Motion picture study of successive images appearing on a fluoroscopic screen.
Images that are produced on a fluorescent screen by X-rays.
Term used to denote an exposure of 103 roentgens.
One millionth (10-6) of a roentgen.
1. One thousandth (10-3) of a roentgen.
2. A unit of radiation equal to one thousandth of a roentgen.
Radiology of the nervous system.
A technique for producing radiographs showing the exact sizes of organs or bones by using a narrow beam of x-rays perpendicular to the plate or film.
pharmacoroentgenography, pharmacoradiography
Roentgenography of an organ or other body structure after the administration of a drug designed to change the function or appearance of the studied part in a manner to improve the examination.
pneumoroentgenography, pneumography
A description of the lungs.
radiotherapy, roentgenotherapy
1. The medical specialty concerned with the use of electromagnetic or particulate radiation in the treatment of disease.
2. The treatment of disease by means of X-rays or other forms of ionizing radiation.
A unit for describing the exposure dose of x-rays or gamma rays. One unit can liberate enough electrons and positrons to produce emissions of either charge of one electrostatic unit of electricity per 0.001293 g of air (the weight of 1 cm3 of dry air at 0 degrees Centigrade and at 760 mm Hg).
A morbid condition induced by x-rays.
1. The record or film obtained during radiocardiography (technique of recording or interpreting radiocardiograms).
2. A graphic record of the concentration of injected radioisotope within the cardiac chambers.

Related "roentgen, x-ray" units: Roentgen Biography; Chemical Element: roentgenium.