regi-, reg-, rec-, rex-

(Latin: to direct, to rule, to lead straight, to keep straight; to guide, to govern)

Although it does not appear to be correct, all of the words in this unit etymologically come from this family group. Some words; such as, surge and its related formats, may be presented as separate units; however, they originally evolved from this family unit.

source (verb), sources; sourced; sourcing
1. To procure or to obtain: Mr. Jackson finally was able to source a good supply of silk fabric for his firm from another country.
2. To procure information about where something comes: While writing his term paper, Jack had to source for the origin of a quotation he read and wanted to include in his paper.
surge (s) (noun), surges (pl)
1. A strong, wavelike forward movement; a rush; a sweep: The police had to prepare for the onward surge of the angry mob.
2. A strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something: The burning brush produced a billowing surge of smoke.
3. A fast, sudden movement: There was a suddenl surged forward in the car when Joe stepped on the gas pedal.
4. The swelling and rolling of the sea: The surge of the ocean crashed against the homes along the beach.
5. In meteorology, a widespread change in atmospheric pressure that is in addition to cyclonic and normal diurnal changes; A storm surge was predicted on the news in the morning.
6. With electricity, a sudden rush or burst of current or voltage; a violent oscillatory disturbance: A power surge at the city's generator produced a sudden blackout in the whole area.
7. An uneven flow and strong momentum given to a fluid: There was a surge of water in the tank resulting in a rapid, temporary rise in pressure.
8. A sudden unplanned change in an electrical system's voltage which is capable of damaging electrical equipment: An example of such a surge would be especially an increase in voltage significantly above the designated level of 120 volts for U.S. household and office wiring, or 220 volts in Europe or in other parts of the world.
9. Etymology: from Latin surgere, "to rise"; a contraction of surrigere, "to rise" from sub-, "up from below" + regere, "to keep straight, to guide".

Electrical surges refer to sudden unplanned changes in an electrical system's voltage that is capable of damaging electrical equipment, especially an increase in voltage significantly above the designated level of 120 volts or 220 volts.

surge capacity (s) (noun), surge capacities (pl)
The maximum power, usually 3-5 times the rated power: A surge capacity can be provided to an electrical system over a short time without damage to the system.
surge suppressor, surge protector (s) (noun); surge suppressors; surge protectors (pl)
A component that responds to the rate of change of an electrical current or voltage: A surge suppressor prevents damage from a sudden fluctuation in electrical power, especially a large increase above a predetermined value.

A surge suppressor is often used to protect computer systems and other electronic equipment.

thermoregulation (s) (noun) (no pl)
The regulation and control of temperature, specifically internal body temperature: Thermoregulation is the control of heat production and heat loss and specifically the maintenance of body temperature through physiological mechanisms activated by the hypothalamus (a neural control center at the base of the brain concerned with hunger, thirst, and other autonomic functions).

Thermoregulation concerns the various physiological processes by which the body regulates its internal temperature.

Thermoregulation is the process by which an organism regulates its internal body temperature which takes place by means of various physiological processes but can also involve behavior, such as moving away from a condition of extreme heat or cold.

The two most common forms are ectothermic and endothermic regulation.

thermoregulator (s) (noun), thermoregulators (pl)
An instrument to regulate the temperature; thermostat: Jane checked the thermoregulator on her radiator which automatically controlled the temperature by starting or by stopping the amount of heat.
Ubi non est directa lex, standum est arbitrio judicis, vel procedendum ad similia. (Latin legal statement)
Translated: "Where there is no direct law, the opinion of the judge is to be taken, or references to be made to similar cases."
unruly (adjective), more unruly, most unruly
Uncontrolled; unmanageable; rebellious: The parents, Jim and Jenny, had real problems trying to control their unruly son who behaved quite badly towards his brother.
Vexilla regis prodeunt.(Latin composition)
Translation: "The banners of the king come forth" is the title of a hymn on the Passion of Christ, written by Vanantius Fortunatus, bishop of Poitiers (died about A.D. 600) and assigned to Vespers during Passiontide.

Vexilla regis prodeunt,

Fulget crucis mysterium,

Qua vita mortem pertulit

Et morta vitam protulit.

Abroad the royal banners fly

And bear the gleaming Cross on high-

That Cross whereon Life suffered death

And gave us life with dying breath.

Vitam regit fortuna non sapientia. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Chance, not wisdom, governs human life."

Another interpretation: "Life is mostly a matter of luck."

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": -agogic; agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; gov-; magist-; poten-; tyran-.