regi-, reg-, rec-, rex-
(Latin: to direct, to rule, to lead straight, to keep straight; to guide, to govern)
Although it does not appear to be correct, all of the words in this unit etymologically come from this family group. Some words; such as, surge and its related formats, may be presented as separate units; however, they originally evolved from this family unit.
regulate (verb), regulates; regulated; regulating
1. To alter or moderate something as needed; control: Jane wanted to regulate the amount of heat by turning down the radiator in her room.
2. To change or adjust a device so that it functions properly: The temperature in the fridge needs to be regulated in order to avoid the food freezing if it is turned up too high!
3. To establish conformity or congruity with a principle or rule: Many things in Germany are regulated by the governement as to when something may or can be done or not.
2. To change or adjust a device so that it functions properly: The temperature in the fridge needs to be regulated in order to avoid the food freezing if it is turned up too high!
3. To establish conformity or congruity with a principle or rule: Many things in Germany are regulated by the governement as to when something may or can be done or not.
1. A rule made by an authority: The school regulations state that there is no smoking on the school grounds.
2. The control of a process or activity: Many regulations are administrated by rules, like safety regulations.
2. The control of a process or activity: Many regulations are administrated by rules, like safety regulations.
1. A gadget that controls something: The regulator on the radiator didn't work properly, and, although Nancy tried turning it down, it got hotter and hotter!.
2. An individual or an organizuation that establishes guidelines or criteria: The regulator officially controls a section of business and ensures that it is functioning well or is managed fairly.
3. A very precise clodk: In town there was a clockmaker who used a regulator in order to measure the timekeeping of the newly created clocks.
2. An individual or an organizuation that establishes guidelines or criteria: The regulator officially controls a section of business and ensures that it is functioning well or is managed fairly.
3. A very precise clodk: In town there was a clockmaker who used a regulator in order to measure the timekeeping of the newly created clocks.
1. The period of time during which a monarch rules: The reign of Elizabeth I lasted 45 years and was one of the longest ever.
2. The exercise of sovereign power: During the reign of Elizabeth I there were many private and sensational affairs present in her family.
3. The time in which someone or something is quite dominant: Jim was quite stranded and unfit during the reign of his broken leg!
2. The exercise of sovereign power: During the reign of Elizabeth I there were many private and sensational affairs present in her family.
3. The time in which someone or something is quite dominant: Jim was quite stranded and unfit during the reign of his broken leg!
reign (verb), reigns; reigned; reigning
1. To rule like a monarch: Everyone hopes that King Charles II will reign for a very long time.
2. To be a dominant condition of a situation or an area: Finally, after reaching the cemetery, Jill enjoyed the peace and quiet that reigned among the graves.
3. To exhibit the power or success of a person in a regions or situation: In the newspaper there was an article about a woman who reigned as a sex symbol and had a great mansion and lots of money.
2. To be a dominant condition of a situation or an area: Finally, after reaching the cemetery, Jill enjoyed the peace and quiet that reigned among the graves.
3. To exhibit the power or success of a person in a regions or situation: In the newspaper there was an article about a woman who reigned as a sex symbol and had a great mansion and lots of money.
1. Something that a person needs to accomplish an objective: The Lawson family did not have enough resources in order to buy a house.
2. An individual's ability to deal with a problem: Tom was a boy of resource who could always be of help in solving practical issues.
3. A thing that can be used to help accomplish an aim: Mrs. Smart told the students to use the resources in the library to help them with writing their term paper for class.
2. An individual's ability to deal with a problem: Tom was a boy of resource who could always be of help in solving practical issues.
3. A thing that can be used to help accomplish an aim: Mrs. Smart told the students to use the resources in the library to help them with writing their term paper for class.
resourceful (adjective), more resourceful, most resourceful
1. A reference to a person who is good at thinking of ways to accomplish things, quick witted: It takes resourceful leaders of companies to invest in products that result in profits.
2. Relating to a creative, an innovative, and an ingenious individual who is in charge of actions that produce desired objectives: Glenda was a resourceful supervisor who made excellent decisions with her staff to develop the best approach to revealing what was really going on in the world on her TV shows.
3. Etymology: from Latin resurgere, "to rise again"; from re-, "again" + surgere, "to rise."

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2. Relating to a creative, an innovative, and an ingenious individual who is in charge of actions that produce desired objectives: Glenda was a resourceful supervisor who made excellent decisions with her staff to develop the best approach to revealing what was really going on in the world on her TV shows.
3. Etymology: from Latin resurgere, "to rise again"; from re-, "again" + surgere, "to rise."

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Regarding the ability to meet situations and deal with solving problems: Jack showed much resourcefulness in that he could cope with challenging situations and extraordinary dilemmas.
resourceless (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding the lack of certain supplies, substances, or qualities: Some foods and drinks that are resourceless and have a deficiency in nutrition are soft drinks, alcohol, fast food, candies, cakes, and donuts.
A deficiency in a supply of something, support, or help: There seemed to be a condition of resourcelessnes concerning Mary's money that was not available that month.
resurge (verb), resurges; resurged; resurging
To rise or to grow strong again; to experience a resurgence: After recovering from his severe illness, Tom resurged back to life in a quick way, like having a strong appetite again and going on long walks through the forest.
1. A rising or a tendency to return: Recently there has been a resurgence of economic improvement in some countries.
2. Etymology: from Latin resurgere, "to rise again"; from re-, "again" + surgere, "to rise."

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2. Etymology: from Latin resurgere, "to rise again"; from re-, "again" + surgere, "to rise."

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resurgent (adjective), more resurgent, most resurgent
1. Pertaining to the state of rising anew: A resurgent upswing struck the town when the people came alive again and were full of vigor after the severe storm had finally passed after flooding the area completely.:
2. Concerning something that sweeps back again: Some fashions are quite resurgent in that the same style of dress, shoes, or long pants appear again in the stores and are quite in vogue.
2. Concerning something that sweeps back again: Some fashions are quite resurgent in that the same style of dress, shoes, or long pants appear again in the stores and are quite in vogue.
resurrect (rez" uh REKT) (verb), resurrects; resurrected; resurrecting
1. To cause to become alive again: Patricia's plant was so wilted that she was convinced that it could neither be resurrected nor thrive again.
2. To return from the dead: In the novel Sam was reading, Jonathan, the main character, was resurrected, or brought back to life, by a magician.
3. To restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused condition: After bringing up the old coffee grinder from the basement, and after cleaning it, Roland resurrected it and utilized it again for grinding his coffee in the morning!
4. To bring back into practice, notice, or use: Ted's family sang several Christmas carols in their home after finally resurrecting their old piano to provide the music.

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2. To return from the dead: In the novel Sam was reading, Jonathan, the main character, was resurrected, or brought back to life, by a magician.
3. To restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused condition: After bringing up the old coffee grinder from the basement, and after cleaning it, Roland resurrected it and utilized it again for grinding his coffee in the morning!
4. To bring back into practice, notice, or use: Ted's family sang several Christmas carols in their home after finally resurrecting their old piano to provide the music.

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1. Revival from an inactivity and disuse: After sorting out the old clothes from the attic, Nancy decided on the resurrection of some of them which were still quite usable and of good quality.
2. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life: A patient who was being medically treated suddenly died and the resuscitation by the medical staff resulted in her resurrection and reviving so she could go home after additional weeks of recovery at the hospital.
3. The process of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; a revival: The resurrection of some fashions from long ago can return to be quite modern, like black-rimed glasses or tight-fitting jeans.
4. The revival of something old, inactive, or long out of use: The resurrection of an old story prompted former memories of Mike's past when he had lived as a boy on a farm.
2. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life: A patient who was being medically treated suddenly died and the resuscitation by the medical staff resulted in her resurrection and reviving so she could go home after additional weeks of recovery at the hospital.
3. The process of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; a revival: The resurrection of some fashions from long ago can return to be quite modern, like black-rimed glasses or tight-fitting jeans.
4. The revival of something old, inactive, or long out of use: The resurrection of an old story prompted former memories of Mike's past when he had lived as a boy on a farm.