recti-, rect-
(Latin: make right, adjust, remedy; make straight; to lead, put in a straight line; to rule)
1. A theoretical line, physically or mentally, that is followed from a point of origin or towards a destination or place: Ben was told to keep going in the same direction up the street, and then he could see the restaurant he was looking for on the corner.
3. The work of a producer in movies or theater dramas: The screenplay was very good, however some people thought the direction was not as good as it should have been.
4. A location from which a person or something can be observed: The house on the hill had beautiful views in all directions because it had windows on all sides.
5. Instructions that indicate how a person can achieve an objective: Grace read the directions in her cookbook to find out how to make spaghetti sauce.
6. The guidance or supervision of something or someone: Because of a lack of parental direction and support, Sally spent most of her time playing video games and watching TV and not doing her homework properly.
The sign on the path showed the hikers the direction to go in order to reach the lake.
2. A general trend, guidance, or instruction for future action: The musicians waited for the bandleader to give them more directions.3. The work of a producer in movies or theater dramas: The screenplay was very good, however some people thought the direction was not as good as it should have been.
4. A location from which a person or something can be observed: The house on the hill had beautiful views in all directions because it had windows on all sides.
5. Instructions that indicate how a person can achieve an objective: Grace read the directions in her cookbook to find out how to make spaghetti sauce.
6. The guidance or supervision of something or someone: Because of a lack of parental direction and support, Sally spent most of her time playing video games and watching TV and not doing her homework properly.
directional (di REK shuh nuhl, digh REK shuh nuhl) (adjective), more directional, most directional
Pertaining to the path in which something or someone is progressing, developing, or where something or someone is situated: According to the directional fashion magazines, the trend for coats, scarves, gloves and caps in winter tended to be made of wool and cashmere with bright colors.
An order or instruction, especially one that is issued by a central authority or jurisdiction: The principal decided to send a directive to all the staff members telling them to announce to their students that all cell phones would be banned from school starting the following week.

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directively (adverb), more directively, most directively
Referring to how something is conducted, lead, or managed: Mr. Thompson directively conducted the musicians, showing them exactly how fast or slow to play their harmonious presentations.
A process of doing something without deviation or any interruptions: The directness of Mrs. Blackwell's instructions for taking the math test were important so her students would know exactly how to proceed.
1. An individual who has been chosen to be in charge of an organization, a department, or of an activity: Mr. Black was appointed to be the funeral director in the funeral home in the small town.
2. One of the members of a committee who watches over the proceedings or transactions of a business or of something of public interest: There is evidently some friction and misunderstanding between the shareholders and the board of directors in the business that is located in the town where Joan lives.
3. Someone who is in charge of a camera crew, staff for a movie, the actors for a television program, a drama, or for comparable productions: Not only was Jackie the director of the play, but she also wrote it herself!
2. One of the members of a committee who watches over the proceedings or transactions of a business or of something of public interest: There is evidently some friction and misunderstanding between the shareholders and the board of directors in the business that is located in the town where Joan lives.
3. Someone who is in charge of a camera crew, staff for a movie, the actors for a television program, a drama, or for comparable productions: Not only was Jackie the director of the play, but she also wrote it herself!
Janet, who had a lot of experience in stage productions, was the assistant director for the musical that was going to be put on by and for the students at the local high school.
The office or position of the executive assigned to a department: A board, or directorate, of professional financiers, or investors, are going to be in charge of the management of a new bank in Eddie's town.
An index or a listing: Janice had to look in the telephone directory in order to find the phone number of the mechanical repair and service station near where she lived.
erect (i REKT) (verb), erects; erected; erecting
1. To design and to assemble an upright structure, such as a building or a wall: The constructors erected a motel in the city according to the instructions of the architect and the owner.
2. To develop or to establish a system or theory: Sometimes economic barriers are erected in order to secure a stable price for a certain product, even if it means to curb the productivity and sales of that merchandise.
2. To develop or to establish a system or theory: Sometimes economic barriers are erected in order to secure a stable price for a certain product, even if it means to curb the productivity and sales of that merchandise.
erect (i REKT) (adjective), more erect, most erect
Referring to a vertical position which is not spread out horizontally: The cat suddenly had erect hair standing upright on its body after seeing the dog coming towards it.
erectile (i REK tuhl, i REK til") (adjective), more erectile, most erectile
1. Relating to that which is capable of being raised to an upright position: A peacock can put up its beautiful erectile tail feathers to provide a splendid fan of many different colors for the visitors in a zoo!
2. A reference to or pertaining to bodily tissues that are capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid: Peter, the medical student, learned that some areas of a body have erectile parts which are firm when the life-saving fluid of a person penetrates them.
2. A reference to or pertaining to bodily tissues that are capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid: Peter, the medical student, learned that some areas of a body have erectile parts which are firm when the life-saving fluid of a person penetrates them.
The construction of a building as it is assembled or put together: All the people of the village gathered together to view the raising, or erection, of the new community center.
Someone who assembles or fits together the separate component parts of buildings or other related property: All of the erectors, including the pipe fitters, welders, and steel assemblers, were necessary to put up the new city hall in Rodger's urban area.
incorrect (adjective), more incorrect, most incorrect
1. A reference to wrong or inaccurate responses: Sometimes the details printed in the newspapers are incorrect and so it is known as "fake news", presenting the readers with inaccurate or false information.
2. Descriptive of inappropriate or improper behavior: Because of Jack’s incorrect conduct at school, his parents were called for a talk with the principal.
2. Descriptive of inappropriate or improper behavior: Because of Jack’s incorrect conduct at school, his parents were called for a talk with the principal.
incorrectly (in" kuh REKT li) (adverb), more incorrectly, most incorrectly
A reference to how something is done erroneously or wrong: Jim incorrectly wrote too many answers on the science test and so he got a grade of "F".