re-, red-
(Latin: back, backward, again; used as a prefix)
1. To continue with something after a temporary halt.
2. To take, to assume, or to occupy a position again.
2. To take, to assume, or to occupy a position again.
1. To keep possession of something or to continue to keep something in one's possession.
2. To be able to keep ideas or information in the memory; that is, to remember.
3. To keep or to hold something in a place or position; or to maintain in use, practice, etc.
4. To be able to hold or to accumulate something; especially, liquid.
5. To pay someone regularly to do work.
6. To pay a preliminary fee to reserve the services of an attorney, accountant, or other professional whenever needed.
2. To be able to keep ideas or information in the memory; that is, to remember.
3. To keep or to hold something in a place or position; or to maintain in use, practice, etc.
4. To be able to hold or to accumulate something; especially, liquid.
5. To pay someone regularly to do work.
6. To pay a preliminary fee to reserve the services of an attorney, accountant, or other professional whenever needed.
1. To make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); to hinder or to impede.
2. A slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
3. To cause to move more slowly or to operate at a slower rate: "This medication could retard your heart rate."
4. To slow the growth or development of something: "The brain damage may retard your child's language development."
5. To lose velocity; to move more slowly.
6. Slang: a reference to a person of subnormal intelligence or someone who is considered to be foolish or socially inept.
2. A slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
3. To cause to move more slowly or to operate at a slower rate: "This medication could retard your heart rate."
4. To slow the growth or development of something: "The brain damage may retard your child's language development."
5. To lose velocity; to move more slowly.
6. Slang: a reference to a person of subnormal intelligence or someone who is considered to be foolish or socially inept.
retract (verb), retracts; retracted; retracting
1. To disown or to formally reject something that was previously said or written: The headline in the newspaper retracted the allegations that it had made against the businessman who was mentioned in an earlier edition.
2. To take back an offer or promise: The company retracted the job offer it had made to Jake because of an unexpected drop in profits.

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2. To take back an offer or promise: The company retracted the job offer it had made to Jake because of an unexpected drop in profits.

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1. To consider retrospectively; to look back on.
2. To examine for criticism or correction: "The scientist reviewed the research findings."
3. To write or to give a critical report on; such as, a new work or performance.
4. In law, to reexamine an action or determination judicially; especially, in a higher court, in order to correct any possible errors.
5. To go over or to restudy academic material; for example, reviewing for a final exam.
6. A re-examination, reconsideration, or restudying of subject matter.
7. An inspection or examination for the purpose of evaluation.
8. A published periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, art, etc.
2. To examine for criticism or correction: "The scientist reviewed the research findings."
3. To write or to give a critical report on; such as, a new work or performance.
4. In law, to reexamine an action or determination judicially; especially, in a higher court, in order to correct any possible errors.
5. To go over or to restudy academic material; for example, reviewing for a final exam.
6. A re-examination, reconsideration, or restudying of subject matter.
7. An inspection or examination for the purpose of evaluation.
8. A published periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, art, etc.
1. To prepare a newly edited version of a text, manuscript, article, book, etc.
2. To reconsider and to change or to modify a written document.
3. To alter something in order to make it better or more accurate.
2. To reconsider and to change or to modify a written document.
3. To alter something in order to make it better or more accurate.
1. Something that has been written again after being changed, improved, or added to: A major revision of Sara's book will be published next year.
2. A improved and republished version of a text: Janet’s short story was issued two years ago and since then she has reviewed and changed some of the parts and this revision will be on sale at the book store next week!
3. Etymology: from French revisiter, from re-, "again" + visiter, "to visit"; from Latin visitare, "to go to see, to come to inspect".
2. A improved and republished version of a text: Janet’s short story was issued two years ago and since then she has reviewed and changed some of the parts and this revision will be on sale at the book store next week!
3. Etymology: from French revisiter, from re-, "again" + visiter, "to visit"; from Latin visitare, "to go to see, to come to inspect".
1. A renewal of interest in something that results in its becoming popular once more; or a restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor after a period of obscurity or quiescence.
2. A new production of a play, or opera, that has not been performed recently.
3. The process of bringing someone back to life, consciousness, or full strength.
4. The recovering of life, consciousness, or full strength.
5. A new interest in religion, or the reawakening of such an interest.
6. A meeting, or a series of meetings, of evangelical Christians intended to awaken religious fervor in those who attend.
7. The renewal of the validity of a contract or the effect of a judicial decision.
2. A new production of a play, or opera, that has not been performed recently.
3. The process of bringing someone back to life, consciousness, or full strength.
4. The recovering of life, consciousness, or full strength.
5. A new interest in religion, or the reawakening of such an interest.
6. A meeting, or a series of meetings, of evangelical Christians intended to awaken religious fervor in those who attend.
7. The renewal of the validity of a contract or the effect of a judicial decision.
1. To come back to life, consciousness, or full strength; or to bring a person back to life, consciousness, or full strength.
2. To become active, accepted, or popular once more; or to make something active, accepted, or popular again.
3. To cause something to be experienced again; such as, a memory or a feeling.
4. To infuse with new health, vigor, or vitality.
5. To stage a new production of an old play or opera; such as, to present a modern version of a theatrical work.
2. To become active, accepted, or popular once more; or to make something active, accepted, or popular again.
3. To cause something to be experienced again; such as, a memory or a feeling.
4. To infuse with new health, vigor, or vitality.
5. To stage a new production of an old play or opera; such as, to present a modern version of a theatrical work.