pyg-, pygo-, -pyga, -pygia
(Greek: rump, bottom; rear end; behind part; the posterior or back part of the body)
Men or women with well-rounded rumps.
A group of gastropods having the gills arranged round the anus.
A fetus with double hips and pelvis.
pygopagous, pygopagus
Twins united in the region of the buttocks so that the two are back to back.
Arousal from contact with the buttocks.
A person who is especially fond of buttocks: Sally's ex-boyfriend was evidently a pygophilist as he was quite attracted to the shapely rears of women.
1. Of or pertaining to the Pygopodes, an order of aquatic birds, including the auks, grebes, and loons, having the legs set very far back on their bodies.
Of or belonging to the genus Pygopus or family Pygopodidae of Australian lizards having rudimentary hind legs.
The observance of someone's backside: Pygoscopia may be particularly true when the observed person has what is considered enhancements that attract attention; such as, callipygian (beautifully proportioned bottom) or spheropygian (full and rounded bottom)."

Would you guys quit leering at my backside! Don't deny it! Why can't you just quit staring at me?
Some women apparently don't like to be the object of pygoscopia by other people
Defined as someone who is obviously looking intently at another person's posterior seat of the body, pagoscopia may be a form of flattery or a condition of embarrassment for the one who is being so obviously ogled.
The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years in research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?"
An "internal writhing" or pathological hatred that someone is watching the subject's behind or one's rump: Becky had a very good figure, but, suffering from pygoscopophobia, certainly had an intense dislike of men looking at her bottom, so she tried to wear very simple and dark clothes.
An enticing movement of a man or woman's rear end.
Having rounded and full buttocks.
An excessive accumulation of fat on the buttocks: In anthropology, steatopyga is a condition in certain populations in which individuals have broad masses of fat protruding from the buttocks and thighs with an additional slant to the sacrum, often noted among women of the Bushmen and Hottentot groups of Africa. It is considered to be a sign of beauty.
4. Etymology: from Greek steat, "solid fat" + Greek puge,"buttocks".
4. Etymology: from Greek steat, "solid fat" + Greek puge,"buttocks".