pung-, punc-, punct-
(Latin: pungere, punctum to strike, to hit, to punch, to pierce, to puncture, to point, to sting, to bite; a dot, a mark; a point, a sharp point, a pinpoint)
These vocabulary roots have developed a confusing family of words which, on the surface, do not seem to be related; however, the entries in this unit really are derived from the roots and the meanings that appear in the headings of this unit.
disappointingly (adverb), more disappointingly, most disappointingly
Descriptive of how something causes unhappiness, misery, or low spirits: After Tom opened the freezer and took out the ice cream container, it was disappointingly light and not much was left!
1. A person, thing, or event that lets down or disheartens: Jeff turned out to be a disappointment to his mom and dad.
2. An instance of, or an emotion of, being dejected, disillusioned, or dissatisfied: It was certainly a big disappointmen when Rose and her family didn't come to the reunion.
2. An instance of, or an emotion of, being dejected, disillusioned, or dissatisfied: It was certainly a big disappointmen when Rose and her family didn't come to the reunion.
electroacupuncture after Voll , EAV
A system of diagnosis and treatment based on the measurement of the electrical characteristics of acupoints (specific sites for needle insertions), the results being used to determine a specific remedy based on the diagnosed research.
The term was named for Dr. Reinhold Voll, who in 1939, started to apply electroacupuncture in his medical practice and in 1953, together with engineer F. Verner, started to develop his special method of electroacupuncture.
Electroacupuncture, also known as "electroacupuncture according to Voll" (EAV), "electrodermal screening" (EDS), "bioelectric functions diagnosis" (BFD), "bio resonance therapy" (BRT), or "bio-energy regulatory technique" (BER), is a controversial alternative medicine method of using electrodiagnostic devices to diagnose and to treat "energy imbalance" often using homeopathic products, first used by Reinhold Voll by combining "acupuncture" with "galvanometer" (detects, measures, and determines the direction of a small electric current) in 1958.
A form of piercing using low frequency electrically stimulated needles to produce a painless procedure in order to treat certain ailments; The use of low frequency electrically stimulated needles to produce analgesia and anesthesia in order to treat certain diseases: Electroacupuncture is a procedure for relief of pain or spasticity consisting of electrical stimulation through an electrode needle, which usually is inserted into the vicinity of a nerve.
A card-handling device that reads a hole in a card: An electronic calculating-punch machine performs a number of sequential operations, as well as indicating the results on the card.
The use of needles as electrodes during surgery; Electropuncture is a therapy whereby electric currents are passed through a person't body by way of electrodes on the skin.
expugn (verb), expugns; expugned; expugning
To take by force; to storm; to overcome or to conquer: The police were making efforts to expugn the city of criminals.
The act of erasing or the condition of being erased: The judge decided on the expunction of the records of the crime against the innocent victim.
expunge (verb), expunges; expunged; expunging
1. To erase or to strike out: Gregory’s name was expunged and deleted from the first list and added to the second list of applicants.
2. To eliminate completely; to annihilate: The old shed was expunged and destroyed and later there was no trace of it in the garden because of all the flowers and bushes that were planted in that spot.

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2. To eliminate completely; to annihilate: The old shed was expunged and destroyed and later there was no trace of it in the garden because of all the flowers and bushes that were planted in that spot.

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An individual who abolishes or eradicates, or deletes something: Russel was voted to be the expunger who would rub out or invalidate the names of those who were not to be in the committee.
A former method of treating aneurysm by inserting a wire into it: In his biology class at school, Norman learned about the process of filipuncture which promoted coagulation within a blood-filled swelling of an artery or vein.
A surgical procedure in which a hole is made in a hernia sac: A herniopuncture is the insertion of a hollow needle into the hernia in order to withdraw gas or liquid from it and therefore to reduce its size.
Therapeutic puncture with hot needles: This original process included the closing of of a retina breakage with the use of white-hot styliform cautery.
1. A physical force of one thing hitting another: The driver of the car probably died on impact when the terrible accident occurred.
2. An influence or a significant effect: The continuous snowfall and ice storms that have been going on in many parts of the U.S. have had a big impact on driving conditions.
2. An influence or a significant effect: The continuous snowfall and ice storms that have been going on in many parts of the U.S. have had a big impact on driving conditions.
impact (verb), impacts; impacted; impacting
1. To force, to wedge, or to squeeze together with a forcible action with another object: The large boulder rolling down the hill impacted with three houses before it stopped moving.
2. To cause something to change or to have a strong influence on: High interest rates are impacting the housing market in a negative way.
2. To cause something to change or to have a strong influence on: High interest rates are impacting the housing market in a negative way.