puls-, pulsi-, -pulsion, -pulsive

(Latin: push, beat, strike, knock, drive; drive to, force toward)

pulse (s) (noun), pulses (pl)
1. The regular expansion and contraction of an artery, caused by the heart pumping blood through the body: "The pulse can be felt through an artery that is near the surface; such as, the one in the wrist on the same side as the thumb.

2. A single expansion and contraction of an artery, caused by a beat of the heart.
3. A brief temporary change in a normally constant quantity; such as, in a voltage, or a series of intermittent disturbances that are regular in form and frequency of occurrence.
4. An abrupt change in a quantity, characterized by a rise and a decline, typically occurring over a short time interval; that is, a sharp variation of a current or volgage having a normally constant value.
pulse (verb), pulses; pulsed; pulsing
1. To be full of energy and excitement: "He was pulsing with creative energy after receiving the award."
2. To move with regular beats: "Lorna could feel the blood pulsing through her veins when she heard what happened to her friend."
3. To be filled with activity or feelings: "The students at the school were pulsing with excitement when the final basketball score made them the winners of the tournament."
pulse duration, pulse width
In electricity, the time interval between the first and the last instants at which the instantaneous value is a specified fraction often 50%, of the peak pulse amplitude (magnitude of a pulse).
pulsed power technology, PPT
A technology used to generate and to apply energetic beams and high-power energy pulses for a wide variety of applications.
pulsejet (s) (noun), pulsejets (pl)
A jet engine in which the air intake and combustion occur intermittently and produces rapid periodic bursts of thrust.
pulseless electrical activity, PEA; electromechanical dissociation
Continued electrical rhythmicity of the heart in the absence of effective mechanical function.

It might be caused by the uncoupling of ventricular muscle contraction from electrical activity or it might be a result of cardiac damage with respiratory failure and cessation of cardiac venous return.

pulsimeter (s) (noun), pulsimeters (pl)
1. An instrument for indicating and registering the frequency, force, and variations of the pulse.
2. An instrument which, when applied over a blood artery, graphically indicates the movement or type of pulse.
pulsometer (s) (noun), pulsometers (pl)
A device for pumping liquids by steam pressure, operating without pistons and consisting of two pear-shaped chambers connected by valves; a vacuum pump.
1. To apply pressure against something for the purpose of moving it.
2. To move (an object) by exerting force against it; to thrust or to shove.
3. To force (one's way): "He had to push his way through the crowd."
4. To urge forward or to urge insistently; to pressure: "The physical trainer had to push the group to try harder."
5. To exert downward pressure on something; such as, a button or a keyboard; to press.
6. A vigorous or insistent effort to accomplish something.
7. Etymology: from Old French poulser then pousser; from Latin pulsare, "to beat, to strike"; from pulsus, past participle form of pellere, "to push, to drive, to beat".

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "push, shove, thrust": osmo-; pel-; trud-.