pseudo-, pseud-

(Greek: false, deception, lying, untrue, counterfeit; used as a prefix)

pseudoserendipitous (adjective), more pseudoserendipitous, most pseudoserendipitous
Discoveries that are to some degree foreseen, and result from the objective of obtaining the processing of the alternatives: Although the student claimed that his work resulted in accidental discoveries or pseudoserendipitous findings, the results of his research had expected conclusions.
pseudoserendipity (s) (noun), pseudoserendipities (pl)
1. A description of accidental discoveries of ways to achieve an end sought for, in contrast to the meaning of (true) serenpidity, which describes accidental discoveries of things not sought for.

The term was coined by Royston M. Roberts as stated in his book Serendipity, Accidental Discoveries in Science, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1989 (Introduction, pages x-xi).

2. To discover, invent, or create something in a surprising way.
3. The accidental discovery of a way or ways to achieve an end that was sought for.

Pointing to a page about a pseudoserendipity Pseudoserendipity with details about its origin.

pseudosmia (s) (noun), pseudosmias (pl)
1. A subjective or false sensation of an odor that is not present.
2. A sense of odors without actual causes for smelling them.
A false treatment of some malady.
pseudovolcanic, pseudo-volcanic
Pertaining to or produced by a pseudo-volcano.
A large crater or circular hollow believed not to be associated with volcanic activity; e.g., a crater that is possibly meteoritic in origin but may be the result of phreatic explosion or cauldron subsidence.