procto-, proct-

(Greek: anus, rectum)

proctodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain at the anus, or in the rectum: In medical class, Adam learned that proctodynia can be caused, among others, by cancer, an anal abscess, by diarrhoea, or by an anal fistula.
Plastic surgery of the anus and perineum.
proctophobia, rectophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An abnormal dread of the rectum or of a rectum disease: Jason went to his family doctor because he thought he was experiencing pain in the terminal area of his large intestine, and was frightened of having incurred an illness, but his doctor calmed him by saying that he only had proctophobia, or rectophobia, and did not any health problem at all!
1. An instrument consisting of a tube or speculum equipped with a light, used to examine the rectum.
2. A tubular medical instrument with an integral light source, used for examining the anal canal and rectum.
A visual examination of the rectum and the end of the colon with a proctoscope.

The examination is usually done prior to rectal surgery, and it may be a part of the physical examination of a patient with hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, or other symptoms of a rectal disorder.

Surgical excision of the anus, rectum, and sigmoid flexure.
proctostasis (s) (noun), protostases (pl)
Irregular and difficult evacuation of the bowels due to an intestinal obstruction: Sherry went to her doctor because she had pains in her abdomen and difficulties when she went to the bathroom, and Dr. Smith diagnosed this health issue as proctostasis.
protology, protologic
1. The study of origins and first things.
2. The science of the beginnings of things; for example, the mythology of primitive tribes.
proton accelerator
A particle accelerator which accelerates protons to high energies, as opposed to one which accelerates heavier ions or electrons.