prehend-, prehens-
(Latin: to grasp or to understand, to seize; to reach, to hold, to take)
comprehensible (adjective), more comprehensible, most comprehensible
Conveying a clear, understandable and intelligible presentation or explainable report: Mr. Patrick made a comprehensible business report to his employees which made everyone feel happy about their efforts to make their company more profitable.
comprehensibly (adverb); more comprehensibly, most comprehensibly
Relating to how the contents of written documents or books can be understood: The English Dictionary for children in Mr. Andrew's class comprehensibly explained the words very clearly so they could deduce the meanings easily and quickly.
The act or fact of grasping the meaning, nature, or importance of something and understanding it: The librarian noticed when the students started to smile after her explanation of a topic, that it was a sign of their comprehension and even agreement with what she had said.
comprehensive (adjective), more comprehensive, most comprehensive
Including many, most, or a lot of things: Henry had a comprehensive understanding of computer programming and so he was very busy providing his skills for many projects.

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comprehensively (adverb), more comprehensively, most comprehensively
Relating to including many things: As a patient, Sharon was comprehensively evaluated medically before her cancer operation.
The capability of perceiving or understanding what is happening: When the teacher heard the shooting going on in his school, he had the comprehensiveness to lock the door to his classroom so the gunman could not get in to harm anyone.
comprise (verb), comprises; comprised; comprising
To include or to consist of something: The musical performance was comprised of musicians who were very popular in Ted's local community.
1. A business undertaking, a project or an operation: The firm’s latest enterprise will require a larger staff to accomplish the tasks that have been assigned to them.
2. An enthusiasm, an eagerness and a vigor to succeed with objectives: The manager was pleased with the salesman's enterprise to increase more sales for the company.
2. An enthusiasm, an eagerness and a vigor to succeed with objectives: The manager was pleased with the salesman's enterprise to increase more sales for the company.
enterprising (adjective), more enterprising, most enterprising
Characteristic of being ambitious, aggressive, and earnest: Clyde's company always has positions available for enterprising employees.
1. The quality or condition of being invincible or impossible to defeat or to destroy: As a boxer, Edward utilized his impregnability and so he was too powerful to be overcome by his opponents.
2. Etymology: from Middle French imprenable; im-, "not", + prendre, "to take" + -able, "able to be the object of an action".
2. Etymology: from Middle French imprenable; im-, "not", + prendre, "to take" + -able, "able to be the object of an action".
impregnable (adjective), more impregnable, most impregnable
1. Relating to something which is invincible, powerful, sturdy and mighty: The impregnable mountains prevented the valley from being covered with a significant amount of snow during the winter.
2. Pertaining to unassailable reasons for doing something: The local government had impregnable justifications for doing so much construction on the roads and city streets in Pete's town.
2. Pertaining to unassailable reasons for doing something: The local government had impregnable justifications for doing so much construction on the roads and city streets in Pete's town.
impregnably (adverb), more impregnably, most impregnably
Descriptive of how someone or something is incapable of being brought under control or defeated: The army captain was impregnably encouraging his soldiers to oppose the advancement of their enemies.
impregnate (verb), impregnates; impregnated; impregnating
1. To incorporate a chemical into a porous material; such as, wood or cloth; especially, by soaking it thoroughly with a liquid: Mary impregnated her clothes with soap from a bottle as they were put into the washing machine.
2. To permeate something with a particular aura or tone, or to make something contain a particular quality: Jack's speech was impregnated with references to health and how to maintain it.
3. To make a woman or female animal in a state of carrying a developing fetus or fetuses within her body: Patricia's dog will be having puppies soon after being impregnated by the neighbor's male canine.
2. To permeate something with a particular aura or tone, or to make something contain a particular quality: Jack's speech was impregnated with references to health and how to maintain it.
3. To make a woman or female animal in a state of carrying a developing fetus or fetuses within her body: Patricia's dog will be having puppies soon after being impregnated by the neighbor's male canine.
An individual who is responsible for producing, sponsoring, etc. a cultural event; such as, an opera: Lorna's uncle was an impresario who brought many famous artists to his city to perform.
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imprison (verb), imprisons; imprisoned; imprisoning
1. To confine, to incarcerate, or to place in confinement: The convicted criminal was imprisoned for 10 years.
2. Etymology: from Old French prisoun, "prison, imprisonment" altered (by influence of pris, "taken") from earlier preson, from Latin prensionem, prensio; a shortened form of prehensionem, prehensio, "a taking"; a noun of action from the stem of prehendere, "to take".
2. Etymology: from Old French prisoun, "prison, imprisonment" altered (by influence of pris, "taken") from earlier preson, from Latin prensionem, prensio; a shortened form of prehensionem, prehensio, "a taking"; a noun of action from the stem of prehendere, "to take".