pre-, prae-
(Latin: before [both in time and place])
The prefix prae- can actually be substituted for pre- because both of them are different spellings for the same prefix meaning "before".
2. A specified guide for action or behavior: One important prescript for everyday life is etiquette, a set of rules for acceptable and preferred conduct in society.
2. A written order from an optometrist or ophthalmologist for glasses of a particular type and strength to correct the eyesight of a specified individual: Lisa took her prescription for contact lenses to the optician's and received them after only one week!
3. A proven method for causing something else to happen: One of the best prescriptions for staying healthy is laughter and good sleep!
4. The practice of laying down laws, rules, and regulations: The hotel had specific prescriptions that the cleaning staff were never allowed to meddle or tamper with the clothes or objects of the guests.
2. Relating to a long-standing custom or usage: Some older teachers at school had the prescriptive advantage of having their own desks for working during their free periods.
3. Referring to the establishment of laws or rules: Many important prescriptive regulations have been made by the government during the Coronavirus pandemic in order to protect as many people as possible.
2. The time frame of what is occurring right now (used only in the singular): The newly wedded couple are certainly enjoying the present, being at peace and very happy.
2. To introduce someone in a formal way: Mr. Jackson stepped up and presented his new wife to his boss when they met at an informal party.
3. To put a production or performance, as a play, on stage: The local high school is presenting the musical "My Fair Lady" the following week in the school's auditorium.
4. To pose a difficulty; to cause a challenge or opportunity to occur: The current Coronavirus pandemic presents many problems and hardships for small firms and companies.
5. To describe something or somebody in a certain way: The family likes to present themselves as being very rich because they have a swimming pool, two cars, and an airplane!
6. To give a person information in a formal way: The group of workers presented their options for better working conditions to the supervisors.
2. Concerning the nearest locality or area: Many people were present when the accident happened.
Perhaps there is a doctor present who could look at Jack's wound.
3. Alert; focused; attentive: Sam was looking out the window during the math lesson and certainly wasn't present and concentrating on what the teacher was explaining.
4. In grammar, the verb tense that shows an activity or action occurring regularly, sometimes, usually: The present tense in the following example is "goes": James always goes to the fitness studio on Mondays and Thursdays.
5. Pertaining to something that exists within another thing: Milk contains vitamins, and a special kind of vitamin D is even present in breast milk!
2. The way or style of something that is offered or displayed: For the culinary competition Nadine tried to perfect her presentation of the dishes of vegetables she had prepared so as to win the first prize!
3. A verbal discourse in which a brand-new idea, merchandise, or piece of work is not only shown, but explained to the listeners: The salesman did his best with his presentation, also by displaying his goods in order to sell as much as possible.
4. A formal acquaintance of an individual, notably in court: In the story she was reading, the queen requested a presentation of the girl whom her son thought he wanted to marry.
5. In medicine, the position of the baby in relationship to the neckline opening to the uterus at the time of giving birth: Just before delivery of her first child, Dr. Thompson checked and confirmed the correct fetal presentation and soon after Jane had a healthy child in her arms!
6. The initial or first examination and diagnosis of a patient: After reading through the presentation of Jane's check-up, Dr. Black decided to take another blood sample for testing.
2. The activity of getting food ready for future use to avoid it spoiling: The preservation of food for the winter was important for Jane's family, so she made jams, canned peaches, and froze berries for enjoying later that year.
2. A reservation, a natural protected area: The Rawsons loved to visit wildlife preserves or sanctuaries on their trips, especially those which protected many animals from hunters.
3. A domaine that is especially set aside for someone: Women have entered the preserve of medicine which was formally dominated by men.
2. To save from decay or from perishing: The fruit needed to be preserved with sugar to make jam and to be stored in the basement.
3. To make something last; to maintain: The historical monuments in town should always be preserved and cared for for everyone to enjoy in the future.
4. To remain complete or in good condition for a long time: Virginia felt that it was important to preserve her grandfather's diaries because they certainly were one of a kind and very precious.
5. To keep a condition or general state of things safe from change: Peace is something that is so very important and essential to preserve.
2. To have control; to be the most powerful person or the one everyone else obeys, usually in a specific place or situation: Tom is scheduled to preside over the business when the current chairman retires.
3. To perform as an instrumentalist: Mary was the featured musician at the musical performance where she presided at the organ.
4. Etymology: From Latin præsidere, "to stand guard, to superintend"; literally, "to sit in front of"; from præ-, "before" + sedere, "to sit".
2. The term or length of a chief executive's office: During his presidency, Donald Trump has greatly upset a great number of people living in the states.
2. The chief executive of a republic: Countries that have no king or queen have a president as the head of that nation.
3. The chief executive of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive: President Donald Trump has been the administrative leader of the USA since 2016.
4. The chief officer of a branch of government, corporation, board of trustees, university, or similar organization: Mr. Smith has been the president or director of the company for many years and has been respected by all of the workers.
5. Etymology: from Latin præsidentum, præsidens, "president, governor, chosen leader of a body of people"; noun use of præsidere, "to act as head or chief"; literally, "to sit in front of"; from præ-, "before" + sedere, "to sit"
2. Etymology: from Latin praesto-, "nimble" + digitus, "finger".

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Related before-word units: ante-; antero-; anti-; pro-.
Related "time" units: aevum, evum; archaeo-, archeo-; Calendars; chrono-; horo-; Quotes: Time; tempo-.