pon-, posit-, pos-, -poning, -poned, -ponency, -ponent, -ponement, -pound
(Latin: to place, to put, to set; placement, positioning)
The clerk told Grace how much postage (stamps or labels) she would need in order to mail her packages.
2. Etymology: from Middle French poste, "place where one is stationed" also, "station for post horses" referring to riders and horses posted at intervals along a route to speed mail delivery in relays, from Italian posto, "post, station"; from Vulgar Latin postum, from Latin positum, past participle of ponere, "to place, to put".Sam still likes to keep more postage stamps for his extensive collection.
The postal service is dedicated to ensuring that all mail is delivered to their proper addresses.
More posters showing various political candidates are being placed throughout the district.
The posters were attached to many of the lamp posts in the city.
Tim and Jack put up a lot of posters that were advertising the new circus that was coming to town the following month.
Poster Samples

One day, Brenda and Cindy saw the postilion in his colorful uniform with brass buttons as he was riding one of the mounts and guiding all of the equines (horses) that were hauling the coach.
2. The person responsible for the maintenance of a website and for being the contact point for information and complaints: Brad and his wife Alice were the postmasters for several websites and responded to incoming mail promptly.
3. A computer e-mail program that distributes, forwards, and receives electronic mail: The computer had an efficient program to function as the postmaster of the electronic messages and services it was providing.
Repairs of the electrical-power lines that were damaged by the big snowstorm have been postponed for days because of the severe weather conditions.
Mr. Jenkins, the supermarket's owner, is postponing the grand opening of the store until the following Saturday.
Because of the heavy rain, the baseball game was postponed until Tuesday.
2. Etymology: from Latin postponere, "to put after, to neglect" from post "after" + ponere, "to put, to place".Christopher told his children, and grandchildren, that there would be no further postponements of his birthday party.
Postponers are procrastinators who delay doing work, chores, homework, or assignments until some other time; if at all.
Some people, including Jack and Jill, need to be reminded to maintain good postures and not slouch in their seats while working on their computers.
2. The mental attitude that a person has about a subject or the thought that an individual assumes: Grace's posture on the idea of climate change was well-known.3. A particular way of dealing with or considering something: The company representatives adopted a more militant posture in the wage negotiations with the unions.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
2. The process of arranging or positioning one's body: The model postured herself as she was directed by the artist.
3. To take or to assume an unusual attitude: The professor was posturing on the notion of free speech in order to challenge her students.
4. To behave in a way which is intended to impress or to mislead other people: Adam usually postures his anger by pretending to be content with what is going on at work even when it upsets him.
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; prosth-; stato-; the-, thes-.