pon-, posit-, pos-, -poning, -poned, -ponency, -ponent, -ponement, -pound
(Latin: to place, to put, to set; placement, positioning)
Job losses around much of the world have grown at an exponential rate.
2. A mathematical indication of how many times a number should be multiplied by itself: Jack and Jill were learning how to increase numbers in an exponential method; such as, 105 by repeatedly multiplying 10 by itself five times resulting in a series of five amounts as follows: 10 X 10=100 X 10= 1,000 X 10 = 10,000 X 10 = 100,000 X 10 = 1,000,000.Demonstrations and rebellions are exponentially growing in many countries.
The local department store has reported that there was an exponentially increase in sales during December.
2. To put someone or something in a vulnerable or potentially dangerous situation: Carter exposed other passengers on the plane, including Holly, to his contagious lung disease.
Some people believe that certain officials are needlessly exposing our troops to harm.
3. To cause someone to have a personal and often enlightening experience of something: Gregory and Marge wanted to expose their children to the wonders of nature at Yellowstone National Park.Paul's parents were always exposing him to good books.
4. To uncover something or turn it over with the result that it can be seen: Dr. Jackson asked Sally to expose the other side of her arm so he could see the wound.The plaster on the walls has been removed and so it now exposes the original wooden structures underneath.
5. To reveal that someone has done something wrong; especially, by publishing or broadcasting the information to the public: The news article exposed the widespread corruption of the local police force.6. To reveal part, or parts, of one's body indecently; such as, to uncover a part of the body for public display in an indecent way: Susan exposed too much of her body when she left the clothing booth in the dress shop while she was just wearing her underwear.
7. To allow light to fall on sensitive material in order to record images: When Burton tried to take a picture with his new camera, the film was not properly exposed; so, he had to learn the right procedure from the dealer from whome he had bought it.
8. Making known by revealing something shameful: These days some dictatorships are exposing their inhumane practices to the world.
9. Etymology: before 1422, exsporten, "lay open, set forth, make known"; was borrowed from Middle French exposer, a replacement (by confusion with poser, "to place, lay down, pose") of Latin exponere, "to set forth, to expound".

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The "yellow press", or "yellow journalism", refers collectively to newspapers and magazines that make unscrupulous use of scandalous, lurid, or sensationalized exposés to attract readers.
2. A news report or broadcast which reveals something illegal or dishonest about someone to the public: The TV program aired an exposé on the candidate's financial indiscretions.3. A book or article which reveals details of a scandal or a crime: The famous author, Mr. Tom T., made a fortune writing exposés about film celebrities.
4. A formal declaration of facts, or a systematic statement, giving details about something: The ambassador prepared a detailed exposé on the status of the mission that he just completed.

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The house that is so close to the edge of the cliff is in an exposed and unguarded position.
2. Not covered with clothing, laid open to view; unconcealed: An exposed ankle was considered risqué in polite society during the 1800s.3. Disclosed; made public; offered for view: The report at the annual general meeting offered an exposed and accurate accounting of the company's finances.

Here is an example of a child who has revealed or disclosed the fact that the exposed Emperor actually didn't have any new clothes on as he had been led to believe.
All of the details are presented in this Emperor's New Clothes story.
2. A clarification of a subject, or topic, that may be difficult to understand: Celia consulted an encyclopedia about astronomy for a better exposition about the stars and planets.
Judge Smithson prepared a detailed exposition to explain the difficult decision she rendered.
3. A public exhibition, display, or show, consisting of artistic goods or words of art, etc. or industrial developments: The annual agricultural exposition will be held on the fair grounds near the large parking lot.4. That part of a literary or dramatic work in which the basic facts of the setting and character are made known: The playwright provided a clear exposition of the stage scenery and costumes for the actors.
The writer's expositive descriptions were considered to be very objective and without the need for any editing.
The purpose of an expository speech is to describe, to clarify, to illustrate, or to define an object, an idea, a concept, or some kind of process.
2. Subjecting someone to an influencing experience: Some parents denounced the exposure of children to violence in certain computer games.
3. Abandoning without shelter or protection: The group of campers, including Ted and Ray, will risk exposure to rain and wind if they stay out on the hills over night.
Yesterday Theodore worked in the garden without protection from exposure to the sun.
4. The presentation of something to view in an open or public manner: The exposure of the politician's anger during the TV interview was shocking to Tom, the moderator, and also to many of the program's viewers.
5. The process of exposing film to light: Carl is convinced that his best photographic exposures are for pictures of nature.
6. Vulnerability to natural elements; such as, heat, cold, wind, and rain: Several travelers died from the multiple exposures to the severe freezing weather that took place last winter.
7. A disclosure of something secret: The politicians feared exposure of their campaign plans to their political opponents.
2. To clarify the meaning of something and to provide detailed information in a learned way, usually in writing: Jean Jackson decided to expound on the underlying message of her book in the local newspaper.
The speaker, Susan White, always expounds on the topic of eating a healthy diet and participating in regular exercises.
3. To set forth the points or principles of; to interpret; to explain: Dr. Jones, the professor, liked to expound the finer points of speaking or writing by using language in a way that is effective.

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2. Those who can explain concepts in greater detail: The two dictionary compilers are dedicated expounders of the meanings of words with enhanced definitions and applicable usages in context for the unique on-line lexicon.
The reporter's daily expoundings about political corruptions by Jack and some other local officials finally resulted in a new city government.
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; prosth-; stato-; the-, thes-.