physic-, physico-, physi-, physio-, phy-

(Greek: nature, natural, inborn [to make grow, to produce])

A physicist who applies the methods of physics to biology.
biophysiograph (s) (noun), biophysiographies (pl)
The branch of biology that deals with the natural history of living organisms.
One who investigates the physiology of living beings.
That part of biology that includes organogeny, morphology, and physiology.
Unnatural; contrary to nature.
cryophysics (s) (noun) (no pl)
A branch of physics that is concerned with processes and phenomena at temperatures approaching absolute zero: Mary wanted to take a class in cryophysics which dealt with the occurrences or marvels connected with sutstances at very low temperatures.
The physics of cellular activity.
Physiology of individual cells, as compared with entire tissues or organisms; also, cellular physiology.
In mycology, a hypha or filament that branches out on trees; found in fungi belonging to the family Cyphellaceae.
The study of the interrelationship between an organism’s physical functioning and its environment.
electrophysiology, electrophysiological, electrophysiologic
1. The branch of medicine or biology dealing with the study of electric activity in human or animal bodies.
2. A branch of physiology that studies the relationship between electric phenomena and bodily processes.
3. The study of the electrical properties of living tissue.
4. The electric activity associated with a bodily part or function; such as, the effects of electrical stimulation on tissues, the production of electric currents by organs and tissues, and the therapeutic use of electric currents.
5. A branch of physiology concerned with determining the basic mechanisms by which electric currents are generated within living organisms.
6. The physiological production of electric phenomena in the normal human body.
esthesiophysiology, aesthesiophysiology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The biological or scientific study of the functions of sense organs and the field of sensations: Because Mildred was having difficulty smelling and tasting foods, her family doctor referred her to the department of esthesiophysiology at the university for a diagnosis.
extraphysical (adjective), more extraphysical, most extraphysical
Concerning something which is not determined by physical laws or methods: Sharon is hoping for some extraphysical guidance that will help her choose which occupation she should accept when she graduates from her university.
geophysical (adjective) (not comparable)
Of or concerned with the physical phenomena and processes in and around the Earth: Geophysical sciences interested Adam so much that he decided to study this area at the university and learn about the physical aspects relating to the planet Earth.
geophysicist (s) (noun), geophysicists (pl)
A geologist who uses physical principles to study the properties of the Earth: One famous geophysicist was Alfred Lothat Wegener (1880 - 1930) who put forward the theory of the continental drift.